
Enlightened Women Are EVERYWHERE…But Especially In Northern California!

It’s time for ALL women who are worried about the economy to be in the SAME Party.  The “Keep Your Hands Off Our Paychecks” Party.  Enlightened Women of Northern California are leading the way.   Pick up some tips…from them!


True The Vote and The Kitchen Cabinet are joining forces to win and to protect the polls in 2012.  Want to become an expert?  Make sure the races in your neighborhood are FAIRLY decided?

Open up your appointment book and add APRIL 27th as an IMPORTANT DATE.  Houston, Texas will be the center of the universe for stopping….the Democratic Party’s billion dollar machine.

Attacking The Hearts Of Women

Are Democrats really after Ann Romney?  Or is attacking her for being a committed mother part of a bigger strategy to divide ALL women?   President Obama doesn’t seem able to save his own presidency, so democratic strategists are trying to do it for him.  It’s all about the new WAR.  The war to capture the WOMEN’S VOTE.

What Is Rick Santorum…Thinking?

Surprised?  Thrilled?  Or Disappointed.  Rick Santorum steps off his doorstep in Virginia today and heads BACK into the GOP Presidential battle.  Why is the former Senator stretching out the Primary season and sticking with the fight?  He may not get another chance.  THAT’s why.  Details here.

Start Your Engines: We’re Heading For The White House

The Primary Season is almost over, and national Republican strategists are turning their attention full-time to taking back The White House.  Rick Santorum has some decisions to make, but behind closed doors, the decisions have already been made.

Are Women’s Votes For SALE?

Independent women beware.  The Obama camp wants to buy your votes.  NEEDS to buy your votes to hold onto The White House.  That’s why free contraceptives are on the table.  The latest Gallup Poll says women are aligning with Obama by 2 to 1. Are America’s women being fooled by the “contraception” debate?

White House Unleashes Biden And Clinton On….Guess Who

We’ll wager that Rahm Emanuel and David Axelrod have 2012 hanging wall calendars with Mitt Romney’s image on every page.  They have exactly seven months to marginalize, discredit and re-create the likely GOP nominee.  Today, the coordinated attack hand-carried by Vice President Biden and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton?   FOREIGN POLICY.

No One Trusts The President

There is a quiet ribbon of distrust surrounding not the Obama administration, but the President himself.  The last time Americans felt this betrayed?   Bill Clinton.  Before that?  Richard Nixon.

The Wall Street Journal documents it here.

What To Do If You Hit It BIG In The Lottery!

You might daydream about it, long for a big break while paying the bills each month, but there are SOME in America who actually have won the lottery.  It can be a double-edged sword.  Here’s some sage advice for gamblers and winners from Bloomberg Business News.

Rick Santorum’s Health Care Plan

The U.S. Supreme Court finishes a third day of oral arguments today on Obamacare.  Meanwhile, Rick Santorum puts forth an alternative to the death-blow Barack Obama has delivered to our economy with his signature.  Does Rick Santorum have the medicine the U.S. economy needs?