Are Women’s Votes For SALE?
April 3, 2012

This week’s Gallup Poll stated that America’s women support President Barack Obama by a margin of ten points over GOP candidate Mitt Romney.  The poll was conducted in the nation’s crucial Battleground States.

Are these findings real?  Here are some of the findings:

“Women under 50 in battleground states prefer President Obama to GOP candidate Mitt Romney 2 to 1, according to the latest USA Today/Gallup Poll.

President Obama is currently leading the Republican front-runner 51 percent to 42 percent among registered voters, a huge jump from February, when Romney was beating Obama by two percentage points, reported USA Today.

The poll collected data from 993 registered voters in 12 crucial swing states:

Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Wisconsin, according to the poll.

Romney’s support from younger women has slid 14 points to 30 percent, USA Today reported. Following traditional GOP voting patterns, Romney’s strongest supporters are men 50 and older, who prefer him to Obama 56 percent to 38 percent.”

Rush Limbaugh Lifted Obama's Numbers With His Own Attack On A Woman

The temporary slide portrayed by this USA Today/Gallup Poll reflects only the disappointing and embarrassing chatter surrounding the Democrats’ red herring:  contraception.  David Axelrod gets an “A” for dirty and disingenuous politics.  Cleverly, he has led the President to offer poor, struggling, American women free contraceptives with the hopes that they are only partly listening.

Axelrod guessed right.  The women polled by Gallup perceive the contraceptive “gimmick” to be a direct challenge to the personal rights of women. In reality it is a cynical attack on religious rights and the constitution.  What America’s single women, poverty-level women, working women, single mothers, and middle class independent women need to know is that President Obama is not your safety net.  He is deceiving you.

What's honest about promising something for buy votes?

Promising you “free” contraceptives while stealing from your purse without your permission to pay for it, is the REAL war on women in this election year.

All of us, women everywhere, regardless whether we identify as Democrats, an Independents, or as Republicans, should beware.  Contraceptives cost on average $9 a month.

Is your vote for sale for…$9?



9 Responses to “Are Women’s Votes For SALE?
April 3, 2012

  1. Am I the only registered Democrat woman not being played by the Obama Administration? I mean really, it’s like watching the pied piper play and seeing women following along like sheep. I gave women a lot more credit than that.

    It appears that the statement, “America, The Land of The Free” has been taken out of context. I understand that statement to mean that we are a “FREE” people, “FREE” to speak, and “FREE” to pursue happiness, not at any point or time did I think it meant “FREE” stuff.

    The Obama Administration is telling you that the Republicans want to take your rights away. They are telling you that they are against women. Are you foolish enough to believe that? They are going after you by using the birth control debate. I listened to Sandra Fluke in disbelief. It was a little too obvious for me. Let’s see, the Catholic Religion opposed Obama’s mandate that they pay for birth control and like magic out of nowhere a thirty year old woman who just happens to be going to a Catholic College steps up and tells the world how hard it is for her to go to school and pay $3,000 a year for birth control. Wow! $3,000 a year! I am a 54 year old woman who has used birth control in my life. That was my choice and I didn’t expect anyone else to buy it for me. Maybe if Sandra put off buying that new pair of shoes or that new purse that would match her new shoes then maybe she could afford to spend $9, 00 at Wall Mart or $5, 00 at Target to get her monthly supply of birth control, or for that matter she could go to Planned Parenthood and get them free. The Republican’s aren’t saying that you can’t have birth control; they are simply stating that taxpayers shouldn’t have to pay for it. Big difference!

    Now the Obama Administration is telling you that Republicans degrade women. I’m sorry but if that wasn’t so pathetic I would find that funny. Have you heard the things that the Liberals have been saying about Conservative women? If you haven’t, then take a moment to listen to it and if you have and chose to ignore it, then shame on you. If you are going to preach Women’s rights to me then Defend “ALL” women not just the women who happen to have your point of view. I have never been more disappointed in NOW (National Organization for Women.) By not speaking out on behalf of these women they showed their true colors. So I ask you women, how come I don’t hear your outcry no matter who is doing the degrading or who it is directed too?

    Granted it’s not just the women that are being played. American’s in general are. There are those who don’t take anyone’s word as gospel and research the facts but then there are those that believe everything they hear or see simply because the person saying it is either a Democrat or a Republican depending on what side of the fence you are on. We have reached a crucial point in America and it is time that we stop voting blind. It is time that we stop being played. Go after the Mainstream media and demand fair reporting and if they won’t give it to you then go find it. The internet is a very useful tool for that. You need to open your minds and be willing to do the work in which you can then go to the voting polls and cast a vote based on research and facts and not based on how you were told to vote.

    To the women of this great Country I say unite and show these Politician’s that we aren’t as stupid as they think we are…

    God bless America

  2. My vote is NOT for sale for $9 or $9 million.  I didn’t vote for Obama the first time and I won’t be voting for him this time.  He is not pro-women, pro-family, pro-life, or pro-The United States of America.  All he wants is to drive our country into Socialism and become a Dictator.  OMG = Obama Must Go!

  3. Here here!

  4. The real war on women is being waged….by the Democrats. Fooling women into believing that Contraceptives will be free…while the government steals payment from their wallets. S

  5. Womens liberation (as i understand it) was to get us out from under the thumb of man and get jobs instead of depending on someone eles to feed you.  NOW, we have women begging the government to feed, cloth and put a roof over their head. People who put themselves in minority groups choose to be a victim. AMERICANS ARE NOT VICTIMS(slaves).! 

  6. Now, granted, I do think this ia a wonderful article and I agree with it completely with the exception of the caption under the photo of Rush Limbaugh ( may he live forever)…Rush was NOT attacking woman… he was attacking the Obama Administration. Anyone smart enough to see the whole Sandra Fluke tactic as a  “gimmick” should be smart enough to understand what Rush was saying, and to whom he was speaking. I totally agree with his brilliant analogy…
    a government that pays for a woman to have her (sex) IS acting as the woman’s “Pimp”…Rush is smarter than accidently making a mistake speaking…his comparison was nothing less than brilliant. I am so surprised by anyone who doesn’t understand Rush’s analogy and yet does see this whole Sandra Fluke deception as a “gimmick.”
    I was not listening to Rush that day so I went to Youtube and watched the whole ‘short’ episode; it was clear as a bell to me…and have I said, “Brilliant” too any times already? 
      This article was excellent, it just should have left the Rush photo with caption out of it.  Rush is on “our side” both MEN a WOMAN…especially Woman! 
    Any intelligent, true conservative who actually listens to Rush say what he says and not what the Liberal media “says he says” (because that too is one of the Left’s “Gimmicks”) will understand him…and be all the wiser for it.  Rush is like a book, you can’t only read the first and last pages of a book and understand it. Listen to him for a week, straight through, and you’ll be using the word “brilliant” a lot more every day.
    He’s on our side…He’s brilliant!… He’s Rush Limbaugh ( may he live forever! ) 
    Listen even longer and you’ll get to know his beautiful tender heart and wonderful sense of humor. Of course any Rush fan already knows all this.

  7. In my recent comment I accidently wrote that Rush Limbaugh was not attacking (women)…I actually meant to say that Rush Limbaugh was not attacking ( a woman) as written in the caption under the photo of Rush.
    And of course by ( a woman)  I was referring to Sandra Fluke. 
    Rush was not attacking a woman, he was attacking the Obama Administration. 

  8. I am a registered Democrat and researched both Michelle and Barry for the 2008 election. I was horrified as to their anti-American ideology.  Even more horrified as their connection to thugs, the Black brotherhood, Muslim countries, communist ideologists and their lack of any known scholastic achievements while at Ivy League Schools. 

    I refuse to vote for a person for president that must hide his personal background information. I truly do not believe that Barack Obama Senior was not his biological father.  Everything about the Obamas seems to be manufactured by puppeteers that are communistic and driven to destroy American exceptionalism.

    I am not fooled by Michelle’s con game of pretending to support military families.  Her support is a deception of the real goal of undoing the military as it is now and using military personnel to build Obama’s Civilian Army.  Michelle is a master of deceiving the American people.  One just has to look closely at the “happy marriage and family image” to understand the level of deception that the Obamas have created to “fool the folks” as we are referred to by Barry and Michelle.  [Deleted by editor…]

    I cannot be bought for $9.00 or even a 9 million to vote for the two sewer rats that swam through the sewers of south-side Chicago to the front door of the White House. I think it would be “marvelous” to vote out Barry in 2012!      

  9. I have been listening to Rush Limbaugh for many years and he has been right on the money.  As far as Sandra Fluke well all I can say if you need that much bith control in a year then all I can say is why buy the milk when you can get the cow for free.  To Sandra you must be taking on the whole heard. 
    Thank you Obama for trying to take women down to another level.  I did not vote for you before because of those you associated with and I will not this time either.