White House Unleashes Biden And Clinton On….Guess Who
April 1, 2012

Mitt Romney Working Around The Clock In Wisconsin

It’s a compliment actually.  Mitt Romney is so close to cinching the GOP nomination that the Obama camp is now aiming its Sunday talk show attacks directly at the former Massachusetts Governor.

Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton were given their talking points this weekend and both were given missions of discrediting Romney on foreign affairs.

Nothing That Isn't Vetted, Strategized, Typed & Telepromptered For This President

This is almost laughable when America is currently served by a President of the United States who can’t make a single international statement or a birthday greeting without using a teleprompter and having someone else define his comments.  Even so, Joe Biden gave it his best.  From Reuters:

“He acts like he thinks the Cold War is still on, Russia is still our major adversary. I don’t know where he has been,” Biden shot back during a Sunday interview on the CBS current affairs program “Face the Nation.”

“This is not 1956,” Biden added. “We have disagreements with Russia, but they’re united with us on Iran. One of only two ways we’re getting material into Afghanistan to our troops is through Russia … if there is an oil shutdown in any way in the Gulf, they’ll consider increasing oil supplies to Europe.”

Meanwhile, Clinton told CNN that Romney needed to be more realistic about U.S.-Russian relations.

“I think it’s somewhat dated to be looking backwards instead of being realistic about where we agree, where we don’t agree,” she said in an interview during a visit to Turkey.

The Romney campaign quickly jumped to their candidate’s defense.

Talking The Talk

“Vice President Biden appears to have forgotten the Russian government’s opposition to crippling sanctions on Iran, its obstructionism on Syria and its own backsliding into authoritarianism. And Secretary Clinton herself asked recently of Russia, ‘whose side are they on?’,” Romney policy director Lanhee Chen said in a statement.”



3 Responses to “White House Unleashes Biden And Clinton On….Guess Who
April 1, 2012

  1. I am so sick of Clinton, Biden and Obama.

  2. lies confusion slander that is what our country is becoming, political lies, taking kickbacks, spreading slander against each other, where does it start being America Land of the Free and Home of the brave.  They remind me of a bunch of little squabling children that all want their own way regardless of what it takes, for shame all of them for shame.  Stand up with pride Conduct yourselves in a proper, dignafied manner instead of all this back stabbing, lies and smearing of each other.  My children have better behavior than the people running this county, least they forget they work for us we dont bow down to them I only bow down to Christ our Lord

  3. I am so sick  of Obama and Hilairy and Biden telling me how much they care about the middle class…Biden live in a 6 million dollar home…Who know what mansion Clinton lives in and well, that idiot lives in my white house so we know he lives pretty damn well….I think they all owe me!  Hay Biden  I should have half of what you own where is mine…they are such fakes they make me ill……They really reallly really make me physically ill….the stupid Jim Jones crowd that follow these idiots who don’t give a damn about them or me or you…Just like Jim Jones they will follow you anywhre just throw them some food now and then and give me free lodging how sick these ppl are….REally folks in life do we ever get something for nothing?