Start Your Engines: We’re Heading For The White House
April 8, 2012

It's Time To Get To Work

Mitt Romney will be the presidential nominee of the Republican Party in 2012.  He WILL ultimately win it fair and square within a few weeks, and Rick Santorum is just pondering the most elegant way out.  Santorum’s Easter weekend was spent with his biggest donors and closest advisers.  Pennsylvania’s polling looks uncertain enough that waging a battle without the organization of the Romney campaign, could simply become embarrassing.  Quit now?  In a way, if he does, Rick Santorum comes out a winner.  Announcements are being pondered and calendared.

Will Rick Santorum Say "uncle" this week? Return to his family and seek a position with FOX?

Meanwhile, American Crossroads is preparing to unload its first cannon shot at Barack Obama.  Crossroads president, Stephen Law, speaking to the New York Times, has been reasonably candid about AC’s Spring strategy to bathe the President in his own economic failures:

“With an anticipated bank account of more than $200 million, officials at American Crossroads said they would probably begin their campaign this month. But they said they would focus the bulk of the first phase from May through July, which they believe is a critical period for making an impression on voters, before summer vacations and the party conventions take place.

Rove & Gillespie join Stephen Law in mounting the American Crossroads attack.

Steven J. Law, the group’s leader, said the ads would address the challenge of unseating a president who polls show is viewed favorably even though many people disapprove of his handling of the economy. Basically, Mr. Law said, “how to dislodge voters from him.”

The ultimate goal of the Crossroads campaign, Mr. Law said, would be to better connect Americans’ disappointment with the economy to their views of the president, especially among crucial swing voters.

The Crossroads advertising push — the timing of which has been the subject of avid speculation at the Obama campaign headquarters in Chicago — would give the campaign of Mitt Romney, the Republican front-runner, the time and cover to map out its national organization, replenish its bank account and put the finishing touches on its own long-discussed advertising plan, which is expected to highlight the economic pain of ordinary Americans.'s going to be All Romney All The Time.

Crossroads was founded with help from the Republican strategists Karl Rove and Ed Gillespie — the latter just signed on as an adviser to Mr. Romney — and so far it has largely been sitting on the sidelines, studying the electorate and planning for the fall as the Republican nominating contest continued.”

The fundraising Super Bowl that has been ongoing between Republicans and Democrats, seems to be taking a surprising turn.  President Obama has not seen the huge fundraising bonanza he expected and having one billion in his campaign war chest may not be possible.  In the meantime, between the Romney campaign, its super PAC, American Crossroads AND a healthier than expected Republican National Committee, there is a real chance the Democrats are going to have a bigger fight on their hands than expected.

President Obama’s biggest problem?  The polling stats on women lean his way today.  But it won’t hold up.  Economically-conservative women are preparing to march to the polls and SPEAK with their votes.



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