Attacking The Hearts Of Women
April 11, 2012

Does Anyone Really Doubt Whether Ann Romney Is In Touch With Women? And Their Needs?

It’s nice to be…wanted.  But because the women’s vote is so important in this election, specifically the Independent women’s vote, we are about to become the latest political football.

Within 24 hours of Mitt Romney becoming the uncontested Republican candidate for the presidency, female pundits from the Democratic Party hit the airwaves on CNN and began trying to belittle Ann Romney.  Classy.  Her crime?  She has been professional…about being a Mother.  Fortunate to be well-married, and to have a committed marriage, Ann Romney has enjoyed a great blessing which not all women have.

Women Are Vital EVERYWHERE They Are

While this is a clear insult to all stay-at-home moms, don’t be fooled by it.   Attacking such mothers is part of a cunning, secret agenda of the Obama campaign.

Having exhausted the class warfare strategy symbolized by “Occupy Wall Street,” Democrats are now going to try to divide and conquer WOMEN.  Such attacks as the one today on Ann Romney are designed to start a war between women who stay home and those who choose to work, or have no choice BUT to work.  Why?  They are hoping the residue will fall upon Independent women, who work, who are divorced, who are single mothers, and who fight the brave fight everyday to maintain a household and a career….because THEIR votes will decide this election.

Those are the votes Democrats are desperate to sway. If they can succeed in creating a divide between women who are conservative and traditional and “out of touch,” and pit them against single mothers and working women who must muscle through each day working, managing households, AND raising their children, Democratic strategists think they’ll pull  disaffected women THEIR WAY and get a sliver of Independent women to put Obama over the top.  Obama: THE GREAT DEFENDER OF ALL WOMEN?   Don’t sucker for it.

Obama’s ineptness in office has failed the meager earnings of every woman fighting to bring home a paycheck.  Independent-thinking women should reject these destructive political strategies of the Obama camp, because they are bent on splitting our troubled country in half.  Especially now, when we need American women to be at their strongest and most united to face a troubled economy.

Democrats Are Trying To Divide Women...In A Year When We Must Unite.

Women just like Ann Romney, are irreplaceable in the fabric of the country.  Today, even more than yesterday.  Working women who are now a huge part of our national economic locomotive are to be heralded and deserve equal opportunity and respect in the workplace.

Let’s defend ALL the great women who are all “homemakers” in their own unique and vital ways.  Silence the calculated roar of desperate, out-of-sync, female liberal strategists….. who are paid to talk.

Here’s the actual conversation from CNN with Anderson Cooper and Democratic Strategist Hillary Rosen:

ANDERSON COOPER: To the Romney campaign’s point, they say they’re focusing on the economy, and that’s what women say they overwhelmingly care about right now in poll after poll. And whether it’s a typical pattern or not, women are seeing jobs come back much more slowly than men are. Is there anything really wrong then, on reaching out to women on an issue that they care about, on the economy?

HILARY ROSEN: Well, first, can we just get rid of this word, “war on

Hillary Rosen, Washington Democratic Strategist

women”? The Obama campaign does not use it, President Obama does not use it—this is something that the Republicans are accusing people of using, but they’re actually the ones spreading it. With respect to economic issues, I think actually that Mitt Romney’s right, that ultimately, women care more about the economic well-being of their families and the like. But he doesn’t connect on that issue either. What you have is Mitt Romney running around the country saying, “Well, my wife tells me what women really care about are economic issues.” And, “When I listen to my wife, that’s what I’m hearing.” Guess what? His wife has never actually worked a day in her life. She’s never really dealt with the economic issues that a majority of the women in this country are facing—in terms of how do we feed our kids, how do we send them to school, and how do—why we worry about their future. So I think it’s, yes, it’s about these positions, and yes there will be a war of words about the positions, but there’s something much more fundamental about Mitt Romney—he just seems so old-fashioned when it comes to women, and I think that comes across, and I think that’s going to hurt him over the long term. He just doesn’t really see us as equal.



7 Responses to “Attacking The Hearts Of Women
April 11, 2012

  1. This woman is an idiot if she thinks that women at home don’t know about the economy and what is happening to our country. Stay at home women battle every day with the family budget and how to make ends meet. Just because you never worked outside the house does not mean you don’t work. I wish I could have stayed home and been a full time mom. I am a woman who has not only raised a family but worked outside the home and I admire women like Ann Romney. We need more of them.

  2. We’re with you.  THE WHOLE WORLD’s GONE CRAZY if we don’t revere women like Ann Romney.  Thanks Nina.


  3. Kudos to Ann Romney!  Motherhood (parenthood) done properly is the hardest job anyone will ever take on.

  4. This woman is unfortunately showing her ignorance and bias. It is precisely BECAUSE women throughout history have had SO FEW choices that MOST WOMEN in America Value All Choices. I appreciate Nina’s response, AND I respect the decision she has made to be out there working when she would rather be at home. I personally have had some dreams to do other things, but decided to stay home with my kids, and home school them. And  BELIEVE YOU ME, I WORKED! I LOVE your emphasis on Ann being a Professional Mom, Sonja! That is EXACTLY how I approached my job:)

    I have friends who work outside the home, and friends who have made the same decision as I have, and there isn’t ONE of them that aren’t doing what they think is best for their families. Like myself, most women respect their friends and will NOT APPRECIATE seeing them being attacked and denegrated.  President Obama can try to avoid having this reflect on him, but women are not STUPID! They know that Politicians use surrogates to attack their opponents.

    President Obama would be wise to run to be president of ALL THE WOMEN; but I have a fair amount of confidence that Wisdom is not his strong suite. 

  5. The authenticity of conservative women has always been under attack by radical orthodox feminists.  As we can see, Rosen, who has direct and frequent access to and is part of the White House message machine, has rendered the most brazen attack of all. Ostensibly aiming at Mitt Romney for his “old fashioned” views of women,  took a direct swipe at Ann with her comments.

    First of all I want to say that President Obama never met a payroll in his life, but that hasn’t stopped him from dictating what business owners across the country should and shouldn’t be doing. I am digressing here, but the point is what is so striking about Rosen’s ideological sniper attack is that she is not a lone wolf operative on the fringes of the Belway influence.  She works with former White House communications director Anita Dunn at the DC-based strategic communications consulting firm SKDKickerbocker.  It is the same company that promoted the anti-Palin smear movie, Game Change.  The company also represented liberal Georgetown Law student activist and manufactured the War on Women poster woman Sandra Fluke. This is right at the intersection of progessive agitation and the Democratic Party campaign season maneuvering.  Rosen has been to the White House at lease 35 times (indicated by White House Visitor logs), including at least several direct meetings with President Obama(5), White House senior advisor and consigliere Valerie Jarrett (who truly is the most dangerous of all after Patrick Gaspard got the Ax after the 2010 elections);senior advisor David Alexrod;senior advisor turned 2012 campaign manager Jim Messina;and a parade of communications/media team officials in both the West Wing “surrogate booking office” and the East Wing.

    Rosen and her media defenders dismissed “faux outrage” about her attack. Obama threw her right under the bus by saying that he has “no patience” for spousal attacks. (That’s what he does to his surogates who get caught). But we “real Moms” are beginning to take charge of the social media space once dominated by Obama’s army.  And we are winning! Thank you Sonia for helping to lead the charge!  Might is on the side of Right…and the RIGHT needs to keep on going.

  6. Women are still trying to decide the meaning of a “woman’s work?”   Personally, I lived through the debacle that argued there were differences between “women who stay home” and “women who work outside the home.  This was the one about which group had the right to feel righteous, while denigrating the other.  Please ladies, enough already.  I refuse to argue this point.  To do so only serves to highlight it AS IF there was a difference.  There’s isn’t.  Any woman worth half her salt knows better than to pay attention to meaningless pundit comments.

  7. True enough!  Have women not gone through a thorough social experiment in the last 30-40 years.  Everyone of us works, everyone of us should be unique and set our own standards.  Most of all, none of us should be manipulated by Democratic stragegists who have the goal of dividing women at a time when it is so economically-important that we stand together.  Thanks for your candid thoughts Claire.