Whatever Happened to CALIFORNIA? Socialism.

California isn’t a state…it’s a PLANET.  Living by its won rules, enjoying the world’s best weather, and slowly sinking into an ocean of red ink.  Read here how the State of California, Democratic bureaucrats, and 40 years of over-indulged social programs has WRECKED our greatest state.

Who IS The Most Dangerous Man In America?

If you have a paycheck….these days Barack Obama might feel a little threatening!  If he’s re-elected Middle Americans and that ugly Upper Class can kiss more of their tax money goodbye.  Joy Overbeck gets it right.  Obama’s team is targeting women, and their prayer is that Independent Women will forget about the mess Obama’s made of the economy and go to war over 1970’s abortion rights!

What You DIDN’T SEE on 60 Minutes

Bet you didn’t know you MISSED some of Paul Ryan’s most important comments in the 60 Minutes interview last night.  Sometimes what’s on the editing room floor is even more important than what was aired.  Hot Air and Michelle Malkin to the rescue!!

The Only Way Obama Can Win…IS TO CHEAT

Election strategists say the 2012 Election will be a barn-burner.  National polls show the same.  But the Obama camp is preparing another war.  In Florida, Ohio, Colorado, and Virginia..all Battleground States…Obama strategists are working to win WITHOUT the voters.  It’s going to take every single one of us, to send Obama packing.

The Two Brightest Thinkers In America: Romney/ Ryan

Mitt Romney makes a VP choice who will energize Evangelical voters, reach the hearts and the minds of Conservative-leaning Independent Women, and give Vice President Joe Biden heartburn as he ponders upcoming debates!  Romney/Ryan is the new mantra of 2012….and it’s a good pick.  Paul Ryan is the 2nd brightest mind in politics today.  Mitt Romney…is 1st.

Join TKC Rapid Response

Join up and become a member of the 2012 TKC RAPID RESPONSE TEAM. We’ll keep you informed with the most current news, information and talking points that you will need to help get 10 friends and/or family members involved in this most crucial of Presidential elections. November 6th is a landmark date for the United […]

Harry Reid’s 5 Lobbyist SONS

Harry Reid Family:  Four sons and only son -in-law all lobbyists in Washington.Harry Reid’s entire family is in the business of influence peddling.  Each of his four sons and even his only son-in-law, have been making their livings either directly or indirectly through the influence of their powerful father.  And Reid DARES to challenge Mitt Romney about ancient tax returns?  The government is home for the entire Reid family empire.

POLITICO: Obama Doesn’t Like Romney

According to a new, but probably self-interested book by Politico, President Obama is developing a real dislike of Governer Mitt Romney.  Obama has had his problems with John McCain, Hillary Clinton, and even Congressional leader Eric Cantor.  But Politico’s Greg Thrush says the President has a special place in his heart for Mitt Romney…and it’s not a HAPPY place….

Joy Overbeck: Dems Invade Your Facebook!

Mitt Romney leads Barack Obama by four points in this week’s Rasmussen presidential poll.  But David Axelrod and his stealth, Democrat team of social networking strategists might have a big November surprise in store for the GOP.  With 27 million on Barack Obama’s Facebook alone…..an unprecedented, hi-tech, social networking attack is on its way.

The LEFT Jumps The Chicken! Gets PLUCKED!!!

Tonight…nationwide gay “Kiss-Ins” could spur some confrontation with traditional Americans who support Chick-Fil-A.  “Occupying” Chick-Fil-A is probably a LOSER for the Left…but watch.  They won’t restrain themselves, and protesters will become just another reminder to Conservative voters why we’re not just willing to line up for CHICKEN…we’re going to MOB the polls.