Sonja Eddings Brown

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Questions U.S. Drone Attack On Al Queda Terrorist

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow questions the right of the U.S. government to eliminate a terrorist threat.  She suggests that the Obama administration might have over-reached because Anwar Al-Awlaki was born in the United States.  The answer?  Doesn’t matter Rachel!  A threat is a threat!

Set Your DVR For Sunday News Shows

IF you’re interested in whom will be making the rounds on Sunday morning talk shows, read the line-up here.  Herman Cain will be the headliner and the chief newsmaker of the week!

Deaf Woman Hears Her Voice For The Very First Time

What a time to be alive…to be able to watch a deaf woman, given hearing implants, receive the sound of her own voice, her own laughter, for the first time.  MUST WATCH.

The Morning Mix

Sarah & Todd Palin are suing Joe McGinnis, Harry Reid is ducking the President’s crucial Jobs bill,  you will be surprised by what Michael Reagan has to say about his father, and Andy Rooney is getting a send-off on 60 Minutes this Sunday.  Here’s The Morning Mix!

Herman Cain Says What No One Else Can

Herman Cain is irreplaceable in the GOP presidential race.  While the former CEO has little experience in foreign policy, he can say things that no one else can, and he says them well.  Read how he pins the truth on Barack Obama today.

Romney’s Secret Weapon? Ann.

Mitt Romney has an ace in his pocket….his wife Ann, who was not just an effective campaigner in 2008 but also became a favorite of the other wives in the race!  Even Michelle Obama and Cindy McCain!   Ann Romney’s easy way with people is working….and she won’t tell you how to eat!

Shipping Too Pricey….U.S. To Leave Humvees And Other Vehicles In Iraq

How do you economize in war?  You leave it all behind.  The U.S. will be leaving millions and millions of dollars worth of military equipment, vehicles and even military bases behind for the Iraquis, and for good reason.  It’s too costly to ship!  You won’t believe what luxuries will be left behind.

The Morning Mix

Time for The Morning Mix!  Ann Romney makes pancakes, the President will be cruising Sunset Boulevard this week, gas prices are dropping, Herman Cain takes Florida, Prince William reveals his wedding consultant, and Donald Trump and Mitt Romney having lunch.  The conversation?  Probably not marriage!

The Real Unemployment Figures: 14 MILLION Have No Place To Work

In America today, ANY job is a good job.  News organizations regularly share the nation’s unemployment statistics, but here’s a breakdown of the numbers and how they trickle down into your neighborhoods and into our homes.

Chris Christie on…..Chris Christie For President

Thinking It OverWatch as Chris Christie talks to Chris Wallace earlier this year about being considered a presidential candidate.  His candor is refreshing, and gives a snapshot at why Christie may still want to spare his family and himself, the national glare.  Christie joins Marco Rubio, Paul Ryan and several other young fathers who may very well represent the bright future of the GOP.