
The Subject Is CHARACTER

Peggy Noonan focuses her typewriter today on CHARACTER.  She writes about the ABSENCE of it among teens, businessmen, government bureaucrats, and even the Secret Service.

WHERE IS IT?  And why are we the taxpayers so often paying the consequences?

Enlightened Women Are EVERYWHERE…But Especially In Northern California!

It’s time for ALL women who are worried about the economy to be in the SAME Party.  The “Keep Your Hands Off Our Paychecks” Party.  Enlightened Women of Northern California are leading the way.   Pick up some tips…from them!


True The Vote and The Kitchen Cabinet are joining forces to win and to protect the polls in 2012.  Want to become an expert?  Make sure the races in your neighborhood are FAIRLY decided?

Open up your appointment book and add APRIL 27th as an IMPORTANT DATE.  Houston, Texas will be the center of the universe for stopping….the Democratic Party’s billion dollar machine.

TEN Worst Things To Say In A Job Interview: HILARIOUS!

This is a must read!  And really, sort of funny.  Imagine the kinds of comments nervous, first-time, or unprepared job applicants might say in a job interview.  It’s funny.  Informative.  And a good advisory!

Democrats: Playing Us Like A Fiddle?

Do you realize that Obama’s campaign strategists are doing everything in their power to coordinate the media, scramble our presidential field, and pick our presidential nominee?  It’s just the beginning of the most toxic year in presidential politics….ever.

As A Mom.Org Pioneers The Fantastic “MinuteMom Magazine”

RUN…don’t walk!  No more Good Housekeeping, Ladies Home Journal….even OPRAH!  There’s a new and outstanding custom magazine JUST for Conservative women. It’s online, easily accessible, FREE, and written by women just like you.  We’ll show you how to subscribe to the new “MINUTEMOM MAGAZINE!”  From the great patriots at As A Mom.Org.

Jennifer Rubin Gets Santorum & Romney…And She Works For The Washington Post!

This is really interesting, from a Left-leaning newspaper, and dead-on about GOP frontrunners Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney!  Read Jennifer Rubin’s comparison of the two, and why she believes women are turning towards Romney…and men towards Santorum!

Caucuses And What They Mean

Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum had a Tuesday night to remember!  The only thing that might have made it better was if Minnesota, Missouri and Colorado also AWARDED delegates along with his great win.  But Santorum takes the victory, the visibility and the lift onto next states, and that’s a huge win for his campaign.  Here are the official numbers from all three Caucuses.

How Would George Washington Fare In A CNN Debate?

Imagine if George Washington was added to the field in the Florida/CNN GOP Presidential debate.

Would James Carville find him to have a “real grasp” of the issues?  A responsible vision of the country’s future?  In the “pre-game” and “post-game” analysis of every word he spoke or misspoke,  would the revered Father of our County measure up in energy, personality, command of the stage and bear up well under the lights?

How The Millionaries Do It

Yep.  Ann and Mitt Romney are wealthy Americans.  But they built it themselves.  Skeptics going through the former Governor’s tax returns spot one thing:  He paid fair and square.  Another revelation?  Mitt Romney donated 16% of his income to charities.  Doesn’t sound like much?  The average for most Americans is 2-4 percent.  Newt Gingrich gave 2% of his earnings to charity.  Barack Obama?  1%.