
Who IS The Most Dangerous Man In America?

If you have a paycheck….these days Barack Obama might feel a little threatening!  If he’s re-elected Middle Americans and that ugly Upper Class can kiss more of their tax money goodbye.  Joy Overbeck gets it right.  Obama’s team is targeting women, and their prayer is that Independent Women will forget about the mess Obama’s made of the economy and go to war over 1970’s abortion rights!

Join TKC Rapid Response

Join up and become a member of the 2012 TKC RAPID RESPONSE TEAM. We’ll keep you informed with the most current news, information and talking points that you will need to help get 10 friends and/or family members involved in this most crucial of Presidential elections. November 6th is a landmark date for the United […]

Harry Reid’s 5 Lobbyist SONS

Harry Reid Family:  Four sons and only son -in-law all lobbyists in Washington.Harry Reid’s entire family is in the business of influence peddling.  Each of his four sons and even his only son-in-law, have been making their livings either directly or indirectly through the influence of their powerful father.  And Reid DARES to challenge Mitt Romney about ancient tax returns?  The government is home for the entire Reid family empire.

Joy Overbeck: Dems Invade Your Facebook!

Mitt Romney leads Barack Obama by four points in this week’s Rasmussen presidential poll.  But David Axelrod and his stealth, Democrat team of social networking strategists might have a big November surprise in store for the GOP.  With 27 million on Barack Obama’s Facebook alone…..an unprecedented, hi-tech, social networking attack is on its way.

An Open Letter To Rahm Emanuel From CHICAGO

Chicagoans, past and present, are FURIOUS at the discriminatory and job-killing stance Mayor Rahm Emanuel has taken on the popular Chick-Fil-A company. Emanuel wants to block their fast-food company from opening more restaurants in Chicago because of the owner’s traditional values. Chicago natives are never short on opinions….and here’s one that slashes deeply into Emanuel’s own, private agenda.


OBAMACARE: 83% Of Doctors Consider QUITTING

Want to put fear in the heart of a mother?  Just tell her that her family doctor is going away.  Polls of U.S. doctors reveal that tens of thousand of physicians are considering closing their offices because of Obamacare.  Isn’t their a better way to transform our health care system…than by punishing those who take the best care of our us?

California: Legalizing THREE-PARENT Families…Or MORE

California wants to make “multi-parent” families just as legal as two-parent families.  The California State Assembly is just about to vote three and even four parent families into LAW.  Shocked?  This will spread the responsibility for a child over a handful of ADULTS…not just two committed, and perhaps biological parents.  But has anyone asked their KIDS?



“Let’s Beat Obama.”  

It’s the phrase that leads every conversation by women worried about the economy.

Now it’s time to ACT.





Since 2010,SIX PERCENT of Democratic-voting women have already turned away from Barack Obama. Now new focus groups in the liberal State of Colorado indicate that EVEN MORE Democrats are disillusioned with the President.  That could spell the end….to his presidency.

Old Glory….Made By The Loving Hands Of WOMEN

Despite the contentiousness of our country, let’s stop for a moment. Revel in the beauty of our America flag and not just what it means to us….but what it means to the WORLD.  Here’s the story of OLD GLORY, which you might not know!