June 17, 2012

Wearing Thin

Women all across the country are chanting the same phrase:

“Let’s Beat Obama.”  In every Tea Party Summit, Republican Women’s luncheon, in car pool lanes, and over plenty of back fences.  So how to do it?

Slam The Polls With VOTES.

1-AT the top of our homepage, click on “Are You Registered?”  Make sure YOU are, and then type in the name of any family member or friend whom you care about and check to see if THEY are registered. The Kitchen Cabinet is an easy way for anyone to get registered.

2-Click on “Get Registered.”  If you are one of those Americans who might have moved in the past year, or may not be properly registered for 2012. On The Kitchen Cabinet homepage ANYone can get registered in any state in the country.  IF YOU DON”T VOTE THIS YEAR…YOU JUST DON’T CARE ABOUT AMERICA!

3- JOIN THE KITCHEN CABINET INFORMATION HIGHWAY… so we can keep you informed. As we march towards the election, you’ll want to be in CLOSE TOUCH.

Some 800,000 are represented in The Kitchen Cabinet in 2012.  The votes of women will decide this election.

The Kitchen Cabinet will be a FORCE to be reckoned with!



One Response to “Let’s GET GOING!
June 17, 2012

  1. The Kitchen Cabinet should start a fund to collect money tjo buy new luggage for the Democrats and Republicans that will lose in 2012 for their one way trip home.I mean Democrats and RHINOS.Let us get new blood in Congress of people who love America as she always was great and exceptional.Tink.