
Why You Have To Love Sarah Palin

The Kitchen Cabinet’s Sonja Eddings Brown discovers  The New York Times paying Sarah Palin a compliment!  Palin called out Washington leaders for being on the gravy train and, as usual, she was right.  Must read.

MSNBC Debate An Embarrassment of Riches

Republicans have an embarrassment of riches:  talent emerging from every city and every state to try to reverse the direction of the country.  Here’s why conservative women should have hope about 2012.

GOP Debate Reveals The Truth

By the end of September, viewers will have seen five GOP presidential debates in just months.  Enough already!  The cable news networks need to pair down the field so that voters have a chance to hear meaningful dialogue, not just parting shots and one-liners.

At Least Romney HAS A Plan…

Mitt Romney.  Some conservatives just can’t embrace him.  Too good-looking.  Too North-Eastern.  Too many grandchildren.  Too intellectual.  Does any of it matter?  HE HAS A PLAN.  Take a look at The Kitchen Cabinet’s recommended parts of it.

Bachmann Campaign Loses Campaign Manager Ed Rollins

Michele Bachmann ‘s camp is shopping for a new campaign manager.  Famous Republican strategist is quitting due to health reasons.  Is there anything else?

Union Leader Jimmy Hoffa: “Take Out The %$#^&* Tea Party”

Teamster leader Jimmy Hoffa takes it Tea Party members over Labor Day weekend.  Just trying to get traction and a little media attention?  “We’ve got to take these sons of bitches out!” – Jimmy Hoffa, Jr.

Obama’s Numbers High In One State: The Republic of CALIFORNIA

A new poll originating in Los Angeles shows President Obama winning by a landslide over GOP presidential candidates Mitt Romney and Rick Perry.

Wonder if this could have been paid for by the Democratic Party?

How Much To Feed YOUR Son For Five Years?

How would you EAT on a mission to Mars?  How would the U.S. AFFORD a Mission to Mars.  Answers few and far between, but research is apparently underway!

Women Changing America: Texas Tea Party Leader Katrina Pierson Is Making A Dent In National Politics

Women ARE Changing America, and Katrina Pierson from the Texas Tea Party is a single mother whose volunteer ground efforts have made the Texas statehouse sit up and LISTEN!  Must read her story.

REFINANCING? Know Your Rights And Protect Your Wallet

Don’t be sold short or sold OUT when refinancing your home.  New rules protect homeowners from real estate and mortgage kickbacks.