Don’t Be Discouraged….Romney’s Coming On Strong!

Mitt Romney is leading remarkably in Virginia, and the Republican precincts in OHIO are reporting amazing turnout numbers, above 72%.   Florida…we lose the Senate seat to Democrat Bill Nelson, and that is disappointing.  But Mitt Romney has lead in Florida for weeks and the campaign feels confident that he will carry the giant state.

And Pennsylvania?  No one is even TALKING about it yet…and it has been TIED for

Don’t Believe Everything You HEAR Tonight

As the early returns come in…and the networks use EXIT POLLS to fill the gaps…remember that voters may not be that Democrats worrying about their wallets may be a little hesitant to admit that Barack Obama isn’t their choice.  This year more than ever, Exit Polling might be spotty.  Here’s some of the secrets you should know.


Exit Polling.  We love it and we hate it.  On Nov. 6th, the national media has agreed to put their representatives in a closed room without any electricity!  Straight-jackets might also be helpful.  Because everyone is going to want to be the first to share whether voter trends support all the bouncing national polls or not.  We’ll all have to wait until 8pm Eastern….and here’s the plan.

TKC EXCLUSIVE: Black Panther Faction At The Cleveland Board of Elections “Updated”

What’s the message when voters can’t enter a polling place in the inner city of Cleveland, Ohio without going around a “Black Panther?”  That’s what our staffers captured at the Board of Elections in the crucial Cuyahoga County district, where Barack Obama must get at least 70% of the vote or his presidency….is OVER.

THIRTY-EIGHT Newspapers Switch From Obama…To Romney

The writing is literally…on the wall.  Mitt Romney captures the endorsements of finicky and liberal-leaning newspapers across the country.  Not just those with Conservative readers, but newspapers who stuck their necks out in 2008 and made the mistake of endorsing ONE Barack Obama.  See if you can guess who’s on this list!


12 Reasons One Woman Is Voting For Mitt

How will women vote on Election Day?  We have to vote our pocketbooks because the economy is hurting women and their families the most.  But does that mean Barack Obama and his promises of government checks and free birth control, or Mitt Romney’s promise to rebuild a healthy economy?  Christine Dudley, former Exec. Director of the Republican Party in Illinois spells out 12 reasons why women MUST do the right thing.




In a story today sharing the presidential endorsements of national military leaders, Romney’s list dwarfs that of our Commander In Chief!
This might be the most telling sign of all that the Obama presidency has been a failure.
Must see to believe.

The REAL Numbers? Obama is Losing BIG

You think President Obama is WINNING?  Even the Washington Post and ABC News must confront the glaring numbers.  At least 84% of likely voters who supported Obama in 2008 say they’ll support him this year, while 13 percent say they are switching to Romney.  And those aren’t the only indicators signalling that Tuesday night is going to ROCK AMERICA.

Read on.

A List Of The Unanswered Questions From BENGHAZI

Is the Benghazi tragedy impacting the re-election efforts of the Obama campaign?  Yes.  Would you know anything about it if you watched the Nightly News?  No.  The major media is PASSING on one of the most important stories of the Obama presidency.  But that doesn’t mean WE have to.  Here’s what former Bush Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz is saying.