Kitchen Cabinet Iowa Update

Just a week or so and the voters will start telling pundits who has their support, and who doesn’t.  Polls are jumping up and down almost at the will of the media.  Now the proof will be in the pudding.  Who has a team on the ground?  Who has the ear of the voters?  Iowans will spell it out on January 3rd, and here’s the update of how GOP presidential candidates are working their last few days with hope..and sweat.

The Best Political Quips of The Year

“Seriously, in 2008 we elected a community organizer, state senator, college instructor, first term senator over a guy who spent five years in a Vietnamese prison. And now he’s lecturing us about how America’s gone “soft”? Really?” — Jonah Goldberg

A Washer & Dryer For Christmas

In the early 60’s there was no more exciting excursion than a trip to a Sears department store at Christmas.  The big store windows were filled with snowy displays and Santa’s sleigh.  The aroma of warm cashews and peanuts and chocolate greeted you at the door….

President Calvin Coolidge On Christmas

“To the American People:

Christmas is not a time or a season but a state of mind. To cherish peace and good will, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas.  If we think on these things, there will be born in us a Savior and over us will shine a star sending its gleam of hope to the world.” – Calvin Coolidge, Presidential Message, Dec. 25, 1927

Look how far…we have gotten away from where America and its people…began.  It’s time to RESTORE America in 2012.

Obama Strategy According To Rove: Love The Middle Class

Barack Obama has a flock of “handlers.”  He can’t make a move without them.  They craft his speeches with half a dozen”folks” in every message.  They decide when Michelle Obama will emerge publicly from The White House, and when she won’t.  They tell him when to call John Boehner, and when not.  Harry Reid is a handler.  Nancy Pelosi is a handler.  Rahm Emanuel, even from Chicago, is a handler.  Bill Clinton, John Podesta, Paul Begala, and all the other inside Clinton “folks.”  All handlers.  Today Karl Rove shares how this “braintrust” plans to fool voters into believing that ALL OF THEM are only out to save the Middle Class.   Right.

The Kitchen Cabinet Tops 50,000 Facebook Readers

By driving through the nation and picking up “passengers” in every city, and every neighborhood, we are building a pathway for everyday women to unite their influence and votes and begin building a new future for our children and our families.   President Obama likes long vacations.  Let’s give him one!

Not FACEbook…WASTEbook: How Your Taxes Are Misused

Wouldn’t you like to have some of your tax dollars back to spend on someone or something for Christmas?  Today U.S. Senator Tom Coburn from Oklahoma spells out why our tax dollars are evaporating.  It hurts, because there isn’t an American in the country who isn’t pinching to meet his or her taxes.

And then Congress wastes it!

It’s About Jobs: Why Governor Haley Picked Romney

Governor Haley Endorses Mitt RomneySouth Carolina Governor Nikki Haley has come out in support of Mitt Romney to be the GOP Presidential nominee just in time to help Romney in the Iowa Caucuses.

The Iowa polls are very fluid and candidates like Newt Gingrich are hitting radical highs and then coming right back down to earth. Ron Paul is now barely the front runner, but Romney looks to be picking up those leaving Gingrich.

The Obamas: Tin Ear For Politics

The Obamas have been elected, if not anointed, to lead the American people in one of the toughest economic times since The Great Depression.  With 10 million single mothers desperately trying to put food on the table, millions of wives paying the mortgage while their husbands search for work, and almost 20 million firmly out of work, one would think the President and his family would set an example…of sacrifice.  Going without?

Evangelicals CAN Vote For A Mormon – According to Christian Franklin Graham

Joining many faith leaders across the United States who realize that Mitt Romney is the likely Republican nominee, Billy Graham’s son Franklin, told Christian Broadcasting today that Evangelicals must seek the most skilled person possible to save the country.  See the video.