Herman Cain’s Campaign Manager and Video Star

Mark Block will forever be famous for smoking a cigarette.  Fox News is reporting that the Herman Cain campaign manager is also famous for other things, and they’re not all good.  Read a bit about this clever strategist.  Or is he too clever?

One Blogger Calls For Bachmann To Quit

The media is running with the story, but truthfully, only one man, one blogger, has written that Michele Bachmann should leave the presidential race and throw her support to another candidate.  Bachmann seems intent on fighting through Iowa, despite low poll numbers.  Is Bachmann the one who really needs to step aside?  Or should Primary voters decide?

Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum Attack Rick Perry’s Fitness For Fall 2012

Texas Governor Rick Perry knows his campaign needs a jumpstart.  Tumbling in the polls, Perry hinted today that he may pull out of the rigorous, upcoming debate schedule.  Ten televised debates are on the docket between now and January!  Perry’s competitors in the race sense blood in the water.  Newt Gingrich is questioning Perry’s fitness for office.  Santorum says Governor Perry is making a big mistake.  Is he?


WOMEN WORKING FOR CHANGE: Time To Meet The Greatest Women In The U.S.

The event of the year for Conservative women who want to make a difference!  Form a line to Washington, D.C. and be part of a conclave the greatest women in the country.  Learn how to run for office.  Learn what NOT to do when you’re running for office.  Hear inside strategies about the upcoming election year.  Meet top Congresswomen, former high-ranking administration officials, and all of them….tried and tested Conservative women who have served our country.  Read more here and how to register!

Perry Passes On Debates

Governor Rick Perry is tiring of the debate stage.  His campaign says he plans to take a break from the contentious, rapid-fire style of televised politics.  Perry has struggled, and so have his polling numbers, because of lackluster performances.  Even his wife Anita has said she was disappointed!  But Perry has a another strategy:  Go To The People.

Occupy Wall Street Announces NATIONAL STRIKE NOV. 2nd

Go ahead.  Do it.  There are 25 million people in America who would be delighted to apply for your job while you hold a sign.   Occupy Wall Street is a farce.  It is a campaign, not a movement, staged by Democratic political strategists who are trying to inflame college students and others with a penchant for protesting.  The move should be to Occupy The White House.

That’s where the revolution should begin, and will.  One year from now.

CNN POLL: Mitt Romney Leads Or Tied In ALL 4 Early Primary States

Amazing new CNN poll reflects findings that put Mitt Romney center stage among early Primary voters.  He is first or tied for first in all four early Primaries, including IOWA.  See the numbers here.  Cain, Perry and Bachmann?   For the first time, the hard numbers don’t look good.

What Did You Do With YOUR Bachelor’s Degree?

President Obama Promises Free Student Loans If College Co-Eds Will Re-Elect Him!  That was  the President’ message today.  Why else would the Leader of the Free World promise the next generation that as long as he is President, school can be free!  Delay your payments!  Pay only a little and stall until the U.S. Government forgives your debt!  Meanwhile…Obama is secretly burying them in their OWN debt.  The Student Loan Scam….detailed here.

Homeland Security’s Janet Napolitano In The Dark About The Border

A junior Congressman from Utah, Jason Chaffetz, questions Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano about the safety of our border with Mexico, and WHY she didn’t know a thing about:  FAST & FURIOUS.  AND STILL DOESN’T!


Occupy Wall Street Becomes An INDUSTRY, Not A Protest

Cabinet member Janice Anderson Ridge sent us this link revealing a coordinated, strategic and highly- produced effort to export Occupy Wall Street.  This is not a movement, it is a campaign designed to create hatred for anyone associated with Wall Street.  Anyone building business.  Anyone making jobs.

Anyone running for President with the kind of background that could save the U.S. economy.

See for yourself:
