The Case Against The Obama Administration Grows
October 5, 2011

Robert Johnson, CEO of Black Entertainment Network

When the head of the Black Entertainment Network isn’t “with” the first Black president, he’s got a problem.  This from “The New American”:

“Robert Johnson, business magnate and founder of Black Entertainment Television (BET), has joined the mounting list of CEOs and business leaders who are questioning President Obama’s incessant demagoguing of America’s wealthy. On “Fox News Sunday,” Johnson suggested that the President “recalibrate his message,” so as not to “demean” or “attack” the achievements of so many hardworking Americans. “I’ve earned my right to fly private (planes) if I choose to do so,” he declared, “and by attacking me, [Obama] is not going to convince me that I should take a bigger hit because I happen to be wealthy.”

Although Johnson did not directly address President Obama’s “Buffett Rule” (a proposal that would allow millionaires to pay a lesser share of their income in taxes than middle-income earners pay, such as Warren Buffett’s secretary), he grimaced at the notion of raising taxes on the wealthy, as he described how he joined the business world to “create jobs and opportunity [and] create value for myself and my investors.” Raising taxes and alienating America’s job producers would only suppress such ambition, he implied.”


Obama....a smile won't satisfy any longer

Four in 10 Americans “strongly” disapprove of how President Obama is handling job as president in the new Washington Post-ABC News poll, the highest that number has risen during his time in office and a sign of the hardening opposition to him  as he seeks a second term.

A new CBS poll indicates that 69% of Americans feel that President Obama’s administration has failed to improve the economy.

Hollywood Obama Apologists Sam Jackson and Morgan Freeman

For Hollywood actors Morgan Freeman and Samuel Jackson to suggest that the Tea Party is trying to end Barack Obama’s presidency because he is BLACK…is a joke.  If the President had the skills and experience to turn the economy around, had real leadership skills, or knew how to find people who did, Americans would embrace his success.

The worn out excuses of past decades just don’t work anymore.  Not even in Hollywood.



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