Newsweek Embarrasses Itself….Not Michelle Bachmann
August 10, 2011

Her Driver's License Photo Was Better Than Newsweek's Effort

The circulation figures for Newsweek Magazine have taken a nosedive in the past 18 months.  According to Newsmax, no one is reading Newsweek.

That’s why the politically-driven magazine would step all over its journalistic past and deliberately publish an unfavorable photo of presidential candidate Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann.  Newsweek’s circulation is now only 62,000, down at least 41% in the past two years.  In addition, single copy sales, the most lucrative for magazines, has gone down for Newsweek and all magazines almost 10%.

Penny Nance, President Concerned Women of America

So ask yourself, why would Newsweek publish  a photo of conservative presidential candidate Michelle Bachmann when she was clearly unprepared for the camera?  DESPERATION.  Concerned Women of America Leader Penny Nancy, comes to the rescue with this piece from Fox  Well worth the read.  Here’s my favorite part:

“But they had no problem using an unflattering photo of Michele Bachmann and titling it “Queen of Rage” in a sorry attempt to sell the magazine. Bachmann has an appropriate amount of ire given our country’s situation. Why can’t she give a fiery speech without being called “crazy” or the “Queen of Rage”? Former Colorado Congresswoman Pat Schroder gave tough speeches in her day and never endured this kind of ridicule by the media.

So even though NOW took a long time to come to the defense of conservative women who have been taking an unfair and unjust beating in the media, we are certainly happy they spoke out. As their president said, “The main reason why we would stand up for Michele Bachmann and defend her against these kind of misogynistic attacks is we want women to run for office.”

Editors might be able to leave their ethics behind when it comes to the conservative Minnesota congresswoman, but even the toughest political insiders are privately and publicly giving Bachmann a standing ovation for her grasp of America’s economic troubles, and her ability to express solutions.



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