Mice Might Teach Us How To “Freeze Our Ages”
November 2, 2011

Finally…an important story by the Los Angeles Times!

New research suggests that mice and people could live longer and healthier lives without a few extra cells.

Scientists may have learned a way to help humans “freeze their age” by removing a certain type of aging cell from the body, senescent cells, which can then delay or prevent age-related health issues.  Some of us at The Kitchen Cabinet are already standing in line willing to offer up to 20 lbs of our aging cells as a service to mankind.  “Mice have always been highly under-rated.”  reports Kitchen Cabinet President Sonja Eddings  Brown.

This from the Los Angeles Times:

“Most young, healthy cells divide continuously in order to keep body tissues and organs functioning properly, but eventually stop

splitting—a state called senescence—and are replaced by others. Senescence occurs throughout life, but people’s ability to clear such cells from their bodies decreases with age, leading to a buildup.  Researchers at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn., found for the first time that by using a drug to target and kill senescent cells, they could essentially freeze some aspects of the aging process and even help people stay healthy while aging.

Though the research, published Wednesday in the journal Nature, is in its very early stages, it suggests that senescent-cell clearance could be one path to staying healthy while aging.  “If you could clear senescent cells, you perhaps could treat age-related diseases as a group rather than individually,” said Jan van Deursen, senior author of the paper and a professor in the departments of biochemistry and pediatric and adolescent medicine at Mayo.



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