John Edwards Hires Bill Clinton’s Best Lawyers To Save His Career
August 22, 2011

Sympathy Comes In Small Doses For Former Senator

Not to mention, save his bank account.

The Edwards story is a picture-perfect example of what voters, are fed up with when it comes to politics.  Paid to do the people’s business, daring to suggest that he had the character to be the leader of the free world, John Edwards betrayed the trust of his own wife, family and constituents, while being paid to do the People’s business.

Former Senator and former presidential candidate John Edwards is sitting in the hottest of water.  Charged by a federal grand jury with campaign fraud and misuse of nearly a million dollars in funds in 2006, Edwards can only try to save his fortune, and stay out of jail so that his four living children will have a father.  All this, the price tag for trying to maintain and hide an affair with campaign mistress Rielle Hunter.

Looks Just Like Him

No public comment on the current state of their relationship, but John Edwards also has parental responsibility for his love child with the former campaign staffer.

Losing traction with attorney Greg Craig, John Edwards has announced that Washington attorney Abbe Lowell, who defended President Clinton when faced with impeachment hearings, will take on his federal case.  There are few attorneys in America with the specialized skill of defending national political figures with a penchant for lying.  Abbe Lowell is considered the home run hitter on a short list.

“There’s no question that I’ve done wrong, and I take full responsibility for having done wrong. And I will regret for the rest of my life the pain and the harm that I have caused to others, but I did not break the law and I never, ever thought that I was breaking the law.”  said Edwards recently.

How these statements reconcile themselves in the mind of John Edwards is a hint of how being a trial lawyer has skewed his conscience.  What he did was “wrong”, but according to the former senator,  it was not against the law.  Federal prosecutors see it differently and even Edwards own chief aides will be testifying against him.

Edwards jumped into the presidential fray, despite the life-threatening Cancer of his first wife and mother to his children, Elizabeth Edwards.  While campaigning on the drama and courage of his wife’s illness, Edwards was also dashing into hotel rooms with Rielle Hunter, demanding that close aides stand guard.

This embarrassing national campaign will be re- played in federal court in the coming months and there is much sordid detail available in video and live testimony awaiting the senator.

The case of USA v. Johnny Reid Edwards contains six counts, including conspiracy, four counts of illegal campaign contributions, and one count of false statements.

The indictment said the payments were a scheme to protect Edwards’ White House ambitions.

Edwards and Rielle Hunter began their relationship in 2006, just as the 2004 Democratic vice presidential nominee was plotting a second run for the White House. She was hired to shoot behind-the-scenes video footage of the prospective candidate. Edwards’ political action committee and a nonprofit affiliated with him both paid Hunter’s video-production firm about $100,000 for the work.




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