
How The President Can Hold American Tax Dollars Hostage

A Debt Deal is in place, but what will it actually mean when the President and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner implement the cuts?  The White House has enough behind-the-scenes power to protect Demo interests, and to make sure favorite Republican programs feel the pain.

Romney Speaks: Cut, Cap & Balance….PERIOD.

Romney comes out opposing the deal made by House Speaker John Boehner.  Presidential hopeful and frontrunner Mitt Romney says America’s only hope is a Balanced Budget Amendment.  Bachmann and Romney have more in common all the time.

Watch: A Future President Of The United States

Run, Don’t Walk To Watch This Video of new Senator Marco Rubio from Florida calling out Harry Reid for making the U.S. economy worse by doing….. NOTHING about it in the Senate.  PRICELESS.

Click” Read More” to view the video and then share his plain-talking with friends!


Debt Deal In Place And All Friends Again………………


“Time To Get Out Of The Way Mr. President”

The Wall Street Journal’s Peggy Noonan speaks for many in America in her weekly article, asking that President Obama, “get out of the way” in these final hours determining the immediate  economic future of the U.S.  Why?  Noonan sees the President as a man without a plan and a pure spectator in one of the most defining moments of this political year.

WSJ’s Peggy Noonan

Time To Order Salads

Everyone Has A Plan…Except Obama

What are Capitol leaders and the White House hashing out behind closed doors?  The L.A. Times reveals the sticking points that must be resolved within 72 hours.  Everyone has a plan….except our Chief Executive!

Why The Democratic Party Is Doomed

The Democratic Party is about to self-destruct?  Richard Miniter from Forbes Magazine says that Obama might hold onto the White House in 2012, but that the American public is catching on.  Hope and Change is code for robbing our paychecks.


Quiet In The House....But Not For Long. A  crack in the dam….Republicans have the votes to pass Speaker John Boehner’s proposed $917 Billion debt reduction bill.    An important victory for Republicans is dependent upon the votes of five swing men in the House.  Find out who, and find out why.

Paul Ryan: At War For The Soul of America

Ryan explains why he, and many other U.S. Congressman are not willing to play ball with the White House, why they will not budge, and why responsible men and women in Congress simply will not stand by while the Obama administration tries to tie an even heavier anvil around the necks of our children.

It’s a war for the soul of America.