50 Rules For Dads of Daughters: FANTASTIC
September 3, 2011

Women will love this, but the great Fathers in your life will enjoy it as much.  A must read!   And a tip of the hat to all of the great men in our world who love women, who respect them, and who are teaching their daughters how to have strong, healthy relationships with men.




2 Responses to “50 Rules For Dads of Daughters: FANTASTIC
September 3, 2011

  1. de javu just got a text from my daughter at college ! She thought I might like the site. It was a walk down memory lane. What a blessing all my girls have been (no sons). I can attest that all 50 sayings are true, at least they have been for me and ” my girls “.

  2. How great for you to receive it this way…and WELCOME to The Kitchen Cabinet!