From OHIO: Democrats Trending Towards Romney

The Kitchen Cabinet and Young Republicans partnered for a targeted deployment of 150 professional canvassers on the weekend of  October 13th.  Moving through the most Democrat of all Ohio Counties, Cuyahoga County, door knocks revealed that even Democrats are trending towards Romney…2-1.  Neighborhoods where lawn signs were dominated by Obama in 2008?  There are NONE.  Young Republicans found that those who answered doors and STILL supported President Obama…were not willing to do so:  PUBLICLY.

Biden? He Threw OBAMA Under The Bus!

Do you remember the Joe Biden who debated SARAH PALIN?  There weren’t so many lies and missteps to disguise in that debate.  Cartoonists and Photoshop experts have had a ball re-telling the story of the Biden/Ryan debate.  But the big takeaway?  Biden didn’t mention Obama….or his GREAT LEADERSHIP…even once.

Deliberate Or Stupid?

Was Joe Biden spontaneously…stupid, or deliberately disruptive?

The Vice President’s track record indicates that he struggles with the art of self-discipline!  But there could have been some method to his madness.  The Kitchen Cabinet gets the debate off our chest!  The debate wasn’t a draw….it was a Saturday Night live sketch.  Starring ego of one Joe Biden.

One Third Of All Cleveland Children…Go To Bed Hungry

Meet four of the most IMPORTANT women in the City of Cleveland.  They feed the homeless in a city where many in the African American community go hungry.


It’s also a city where Barack Obama is anchoring his campaign.


How can the President ask for votes…when his own community is suffering so?


Russian Immigrant: You Don’t Want Obama’s Socialism

Today a Russian Immigrant, Luba Wold, writes about her memories of how crippling Socialism was to her family.  It is a must read:

“What is admirable about people in this country is how compassionate and giving Americans are. Not because they were told by the government to give, but because they want to help. How many nonprofit organizations, not subsidized by the government are in the United States? Think about it. And I am not saying that Russian people are not compassionate or not giving. It’s not true. But when we are all equally poor, we have nothing to give.”

Romney EXPLODES In National Polls

ROMNEY LEADS!  Not just in one category, but in all.  Not just in one state, but breathing down the neck of the Obama campaign in EVERY state.  The first Presidential Debate rang a bell.  The major media was blocked, and the best candidate to run for the presidency in many, many years…EMERGED.

America Is Alive And Well In OHIO

Lotsa luck running away with Ohio.  That’s our advisory to Democrats who believe  they might steal away the Election of 2012 in that important state.  The Kitchen Cabinet has been organizing with the fierce and experienced Republican Women of Cuyahoga County and a wall of women is forming to vote out Barack Obama, and vote IN MITT ROMNEY.

PRESIDENTIAL DEBATE: What National Women’s Leaders Are Saying

Top conservative women’s leaders weigh in on Wednesday night’s debate, and we have their comments right here at TheKitchenCabinet.US.



The Emperor Has No Clothes

It was a fantastic night for Mitt Romney.  He took a giant leap over the top of the biased, national media and spoke directly to the American people.  When he did…everyone LISTENED.  Even President Obama.

HOUSTON We Have A Problem: Al Qaeda Attack Funded By Obama Administration?

Evidence is emerging that American taxpayers may have been FUNDING the Al Qaeda terrorists who killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and his colleagues. Did Secretary of State Hillary Clinton know?  Probably.  Did President Obama know?  If he didn’t skip his important top secret security briefing…where the news would likely have been shared.

It will make you sick.  Read on.