Want Action? Move Congress To A Steamy Inner City High School
July 20, 2011

Make Congressmen & Senators Right At Home

Sometimes I feel like we should move all of our Congressional Representatives and all of our Senators somewhere fresh and new.  It’s almost as if walking on marble makes them forget where they come from and all the struggling Americans they represent.  Particularly this week, as their NUMBER ONE job is to provide leadership and SLASH spending, it is frustrating to see so many blue suits ducking and running, wringing their hands, and maneuvering  for best possible positioning at press conferences.

If we really want action on our drive-us-over-a-cliff national debt, perhaps we should transplant our Capitol hill politicians from their glorious marble hallways to an urban D.C. public high school…cafeteria!  I mean all 485 Congresspeople and Senators.  Preferably to a school site where the air conditioning comes and goes.    The Senate could be allowed to meet in a steamy auditorium from 8am – 5pm.  Congress would work out of the neighboring high school cafeteria, though it might be a titch crowded.   All politicians would have to make their own copies and eat school lunch instead of specially-prepared Senate dining room fare.

Why Waste Money In The Senate Dining Room?

THIS is how to get results!  Especially with the Treasury printing dollars faster than raindrops evaporate on hot cement.

The interest on our 14 Trillion dollar national charge card is being paid with taxes drawn from our hard-earned paychecks.    Not only are Washington politicians wasting our tax money, but we’re paying them a salary to do it!

President Obama claims to be offering to do his level best to “reduce” spending by millions here or a billion there, but if you get your calculator out, you will find that to begin erasing the zeroes off a TRILLION, it will take hundreds of billions in cuts.  Not ONE billion.

So if by chance you are a VISUAL LEARNER like me, check out this painfully accurate, yet humorous example of how some of the Obama’s administration’s  offers to cut the budget…..have been like…..picking up grains of sand.




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