Pawlenty In A Jam In Iowa
August 5, 2011

Former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty has to make a good showing in Iowa, and this week at, he promises he will:

Meanwhile, reports that his staff has exited like a flock.

The reality however is that Michelle Bachmann is the politician from Minnesota who is getting traction.  She continues to be

The Real Frontrunner?

sharp with her message, she took a firm stand in the wild debt dealing on Capitol Hill, and she continues to become more and more effective in campaigning.  Part of the landscape for the GOP is that many Southern conservatives keep holding their breath that Texas Governor Rick Perry will jump into the race.  He keeps talking to and with big donors in Texas and in conservative circles, but never dips his toe in any further.  Perry has a great success story to tell in Texas, is a Democrat turned Republican, and has the presence many seek in a President.  Insiders say however, that he also has baggage that will emerge, and has his hands full satisfying conservatives in his own state….never mind the U.S.

Mitt Romney stays ahead in the polls,and way ahead in New Hampshire, but he is also playing it safe.  A handsome, impeccable family man with the real skills for business and international trade, one wonders WHY he does not catch on.  Women voters should be flocking to his campaign, but they haven’t yet.   Herman Cain lacks experience, Santorum lacks the broad-base necessary to make a serious run, Newt Gingrich isn’t seriously in the mix, and Sarah Palin?  Why should

$7 Million A Year By NOT Running

she run for president when she has a bully pulpit at FOX News, can broadcast from home, makes $7 million a year, and can make an impact simply by showing UP for a candidate?

As a 92-year old devout Republican said yesterday, “I am still looking for someone who will inspire me.”



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