Ouch! Fox Slams Perry For Coming “Unprepared”
September 23, 2011

Perry Seemed Unprepared And Unconvincing In Florida GOP Debate

Fox News is holding former Texas Governor Rick Perry accountable for coming to last evening’s debate unprepared.   Perry lost ground repeatedly during the debate when his positions as Governor and his personal convictions failed to jell with conservative voters.

On Social Security, Perry tried to pivot and say that “Seniors have nothing to worry about.”   This, instead of his past emphasis that the whole plan is a “Ponzie Scheme” and a failure.

On Immigration, Perry lost the entire audience by championing the Texas plan permitting handouts of  giant tuition breaks to children of illegal immigrants.

On HPV inoculations Perry claimed very compellingly that his decision was inspired by a young girl who DIED of cervical Cancer.   It was perhaps his only well-prepared answer in the debate, but FOX NEWS reports that the Governor was dishonest:

“He had a very compelling reply to Michele Bachmann’s suggestion that his HPV vaccine mandate was a gift to the drugmaker Merck. Perry replied that he had been lobbied on the issue by a young woman who eventually died of cervical cancer.

During the debate it seemed an instance of Perry thinking through and practicing an answer to defuse a line of criticism. But journalists pointed out on Twitterimmediately afterwards that, according to published reports, Perry didn’t

FOX Says Perry Responded Dishonestly To Bachmann Challenge on HPV Shots

become acquainted with the woman until after his decision.”

Disappointing, if true.

Perhaps most revealing in Perry’s performance during the debate, was his weakness on foreign policy.  This,  according to FOX:

“On foreign policy, he was asked a tough question on how he’d handle loose nukes in Pakistan and replied with loosely connected bits from briefings on Asia that didn’t come close to answering the question.

In the first two debates, Perry stood out for his sheer stage presence even if his answers weren’t always crisp or deep. Thursday night, he faded more into the line-up of the other candidates at the same time he wasn’t any better on the substance. His weak performance will stoke more speculation about New Jersey Republican Gov. Chris Christie possibly entering the race.”

Rick Perry had the worst possible outcome in the FOX/GOOGLE debate….his policies and positions replaced Barack Obama as the biggest target on the stage.
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