Michelle Obama’s Wardrobe Budget Could Feed The Poor
December 29, 2011

Michelle Obama: Her Wardrobe Budget Could Feed A Village!

Most women in America would just be thrilled if they could afford to be in Hawaii this Christmas, or ANY Christmas.  But to enjoy those balmy winds AND do it in designer fashion-wear costing thousands of dollars, well most of us would have to be dreaming!

How many ways can you say:  DETACHED?  When women throughout America are just trying to keep up the mortgage because their husband’s are out of work, or because they’re paying the bills alone, wouldn’t you think the First Lady would want to show…restraint?

From ABC:

The Obamas have been drawing heat for their 17-day Hawaiian holiday, estimated by some media outlets to cost taxpayers $4 million.

But the criticism doesn’t stop there. Now first lady Michelle Obama is under scrutiny for her high-end fashion choices.

How Many $2000 Sun Dresses Do You Own?

For the Christmas Day church service at the Kaneohe Bay Marine Base, Mrs. Obama was photographed in

a seemingly simple white sundress with red and yellow stripes. The dress, however, was by French-born, U.S.-based designer Sophie Theallet, and would have cost the first lady almost $2,000 when she bought it in 2009. More recent designs by Theallet sell for even more.

For the meet-and-greet with service members and their families in a nearby mess hall later in the day, Mrs. Obama dressed down — in a printed green $950 Comme des Garcons skirt with bag waist.

Some see the first lady’s penchant for expensive labels at odds with her reputation as a bargain shopper who frequents J. Crew and Target.

One comment on the Naked DC website read: “She claims to be a champion of the poor and a fellow bargain shopper, but yet, here she is, sporting a dress that no unemployed American can afford.”

President Barack Obama’s dinner last night with the first lady and friends was similarly out of range for many Americans. The group dined at Alan Wong’s Restaurant, an upscale eatery that specializes in Hawaiian Regional Cuisine and is a favorite of the first couple.

Five-Star Tastes

The Obama party ordered off a special 5-course tasting menu for $75 a person — $105 per person with wine pairings for each course. Highlights included”Sassey Salad” and bacon-wrapped pork loin, one appetizer and a sample of three butters from three local dairies.



44 Responses to “Michelle Obama’s Wardrobe Budget Could Feed The Poor
December 29, 2011

  1. Looks like Moochele is getting larger along with the taxpayer’s bill !

  2. What do you mean they went to church!!??  Since when? Since campaigning picked up speed?

  3. The part that is so bothersome is they THINK THEY ARE ENTITLED! They tell, the American people to tighten their belts and settle in for the long haul of recovery. They act as though they are royalty. They make me think of the Czar of Russia who kept all the grain locked up from the poor.

  4. no matter what she wears, she still looks like the cleaning lady.

  5. The Obamas disgust me and so many others I talk to. I live on a pension of $731.00 a month and scrounge. Can’t afford to ever go out to eat or to buy any new clothes. Yet They just spend like drunken sailors while We The People suffer. Why can’t they go to Camp David like the other Presidents did most of the time. No they just want to drain this country dry. Sooner they are out of the White House the better. For the life of me I will never understand why Obama was never impeached. I also know and believe just like everyone else does that Obama is a joke to the American people because he wasn’t born here. But know one does anything about it. Shame on every single politition. They all know!!!!

  6. The dress pictured looks like a wrinkled sack. It is also ill-fitting and looks like she is about 5 months along…you know. She usually looks a bit more streamlined. Guess it was the bouganvillea in the air? Restraint. The Obamas don’t care if Americans drop dead. As long as they vote first. Or, even after, ACORN will take care of it. They are numb, Socialist Dictators to be, and oblivious, utterly. BAH! I don’t care if the First Lady dresses fabulously, ie. Jackie Kennedy, Nancy Reagan (red!), and if had won, John McCain’s very chic wife. BUT, they sure as heck better be fitting their own bills! If not, off with their heads, so to speak…off with their presidencies!!

  7. That is just one ,in a long line ,of the many ways the Obamas think up to waste the barrowed money of America.

  8. I remember when Obama told America that we needed to tighten our belts…
    …and that week Michelle was seen shopping in Paris, France wearing $600 shoes.

    They are robbing America of whatever they can get before moving out of the White House.

  9. AMEN

  10. The more I read about these blood suckers, the more disgusted I am with them. They are blatantly advertising their contempt for Americans and all the problems we have in this country, many of these problems caused by obama. When is America as a majority going to wake up and impeach this man and his wife? We can’t survive much more of their spending and their traitorous actions.

  11. We’ll speak to them with our votes…and we have a feeling the voices of Americans will be hard to miss. Michele Obama is clearly a wonderful wife and mother. It puzzles us that she doesn’t understand her important role as a leader and a role model to OTHER wives and mothers across the country, and the need to be sensitive to the lives that THEY are leading.

  12. It’s very disappointing. Agreed.

  13. Entitled….is a good word for it Becky.

  14. I am no fan of the Obamas, or Michelle’s choices in clothing, but why complain about a dress she obtained in 2009?  The damn thing is almost three years old. I am surprised she would wear something so out of date.  All I want is them out of the White House in January 2013.  They have done enough damage to this country.

  15. She looks like a porker!

  16. How many of us have EVER owned a $2000 dress? The point is, don’t campaign like you’re FROM the neighborhood to get a vote, and then live like Donald Trump when your peeps are paying the price for your failures.

  17. Am I the only one who doesn’t see the irony in this article? Michelle Obama is the first first lady to be criticized for dressing well. Jackie Kennedy wore designer clothes, so did Mrs. Reagan, and Laura Bush. It only became an entitlement with her. The fact that the President has shoes with holes in them makes me laugh. She was a well paid executive before coming to the White House. The fact that she is young, stylish and a great role model to mothers with young children is what you should be focusing on. Your posters just sound jealous and mean spirited to me.

  18. How many of us American women even own $2000 worth of clothes all together? Me personally, I shop at the Salvation Army, that way I can afford the little sundries in life like oil to heat the house with, gas to get to and from my job, food for a healthy diet, paying my routine healthcare deductibles/copayments, taxes for those who sponge off the system, and an occasional charitable contribution. Don’t know where she gets off spending my hard earned money that way…

  19. Those were times of HOPE…real HOPE. And prosperity. In the past three years her husband has led the country into economic disaster. That’s why it is especially out of place, don’t you think?

  20. Stylish?  Michelle Obama?  Most of the time she looks like the hired help!  Just goes to show that expensive clothes don’t always mean quality-and you either have class, taste, and style or you don’t!  Michelle Obama DOES NOT!  She needs to hire someone with those qualities to shop for and dress her-it might help!  And just by the way-Mrs. Reagan was widely criticized by the media for her designer wardrobe even though many of the items were donated by top designers!  She was also criticized for buying new china for the white house; the media didn’t like her!  Mrs Bush (the first) was called frumpy, dowdy, etc.  Hillary was lambasted for her lack of style.  First Ladies are under scrutiny as much as their husbands.  The media did seem to love Jackie Kennedy though, maybe they felt sorry for her because of her philandering husband.  Now there was a first lady who truly was young, stylish, and a great role model!  I don’t know why people want to put the Obamas in the same category as the Kennedy’s-saying it doesn’t make it true!  It’s an insult to the Kennedys! 

  21. My wedding dress cost right around $500 and I’ve not spent that much on a dress since.  And I am a professional woman/lawyer.  And don’t tell me that Michelle was a self made professional woman before Mr. Obama became our President. She had a job at a hospital board created for her that has not been filled since Mr.Obama became President. She has been intentionally soaking the American public for all they are worth!

  22. yes they did dress well….at camp david

  23. The “Leader of the Free World” has a welfare attitude.  “Gimme!”  And so does his wife – only the best for me, and my husband is busy ruining the economy so that YOU will never get what I have.  How so many people on a fixed income could vote for these pompous @$$es is beyond me.

  24. Regardless of the cost of her clothing, she is just unattractive.  She doesn’t have the class to wear clothes well. 

  25. I don’t care what she wears or how much it cost the tax payers…most of us voted her husband into office..and now were up-set..Me too..One awful mistake I made in my 63 years..You can bet one thing I’ll never vote someone like Obama into office again..so lets just vote him out and get over it..My 1 mistake will not be repeated again..And I pray one day if not in my life time there will be another…In the White House like…Ronald Regan….Thanks for reading…

  26. What she needs to do is, sell her wardrobe and use the money for the poor people.  This makes me disgusted when there are so many people out there who are unemployed or living on a fixed income and here she is, buying $2000 dresses.  Does she not realize how many people $2000 can feed or help in other ways?  She is a self indulgent, self centered, frivolous, materialistic person who does not deserve to be the first lady.

  27. I don’t agree with Obama’s policies but I have to give the First Lady credit where credit is due. These people are millionaires and she could have bought a new dress for twice the amount. Instead she wore a dress she had in her closet for two years. I know a lot of women who won’t go to church unless they have a new dress every week. How many women with her money and prestige would keep a dress for two years?

  28. Hey Larry, that’s an interesting perspective. She’s thrifty! But our view is that Mrs. Obama and Mr. Obama like to live an “Oprah” lifestyle, period. That would be fine if Barack wasn’t destroying the standard of living of all the college students, low and middle income families standard of living. We just feel they should quit jet-setting, and especially at the taxpayer’s expense when we all need to be tightening our belts.

  29. The REAL question is: Who can replace Obama as president?  Mrs. Obama’s clothing came with designer price tags–maybe she got a good deal on them.  Michelle Obama is not the president.  Nor are any of us authoritative judges of her beauty, accomplishments, or personal expenditures.  Shouldn’t we stick with all the failed promises, the flailing economy, and the overall inefficacy of our current presidential leadership? Bemoaning perceived injustices will not solve the problem.

  30. Yes. But the First Lady, in our opinion, should set a good example as well, and is in a terrific position to do so. We have been disappointed that she seems to have a limited view of her responsibilities. Thanks for your perceptive thoughts however. You are quite right, we need to concentrate on Barack Obama.

  31. I think the focus on the cost of Michelle Obama’s wardrobe is unwarranted.   She is the first lady after all and we do not fully know the perks that she is getting from designers. 

     Montana has started recall proceedings against the senators that voted for NDAA 2012.   The rest of the states should follow—then we can have the new house/senate start impeachment proceedings against her husband.   He is a traitor.   And laughing over there in Hawaii on his 4 million dollar vacation.      

  32. Explain to me why taxpayers should pay for ANY presidents vacations. This I don’t understand. We have to tighten our budgets, and I can’t afford to take a vacation why should I have to help pay for anyones vacation? I am not even making end meet..my savings is gone I have borrowed from retirement to pay property taxes, and I am doing good to keep utilities on and buy my husbands heart medications. My husband has been unemployed for over a year, and he is over 51…so thats a strike against him even with over 25 years experience. We do not get any government assistance. I see people who do get assistance who live better than we do. They eat out go on trips buy new clothes. Our only
    extra is If I am lucky enough to get a couple of overtime shifts at work. And that goes for needed repairs on the home that I couldn’t afford without
    the extra money. So if our president wants us to tighten our budgets he and
    his family need to cut back as well. I think our government need some
    major clean up and a serious wake up to how REAL PEOPLE live and
    struggle to make it. Things haven’t always been this hard for my family
    and I never thought that at 50 years old and after 33 years of marriage we
    would return to the struggles of when we first began. That’s wrong…what
    happened to the American dream? By the way my family did not vote for the Obama’s.

  33. And they want our vote! I think not.They should practice what they preach, HYPOCRITS!! You don’t have my vote 🙁

  34. I myself wouldnt pay 5.00$ for any of her choices of clothing……………………….

  35. I attempted to break it down here into dollars and cents.

  36. Give me a break, she’s the first lady of the United States of America. If she wore cheap clothes shed get criticized for not being professional enough. Shes the first lady…she sposed to shop at wal mart? Idiotic article

  37. Since all of the clothes she buys are paid for with our tax money, She should be required to leave all of those rags behind when she is gone with him next year. The cleaning and painting crews that clean up after they leave could use them for cleaning rags.

  38. At least if they looked worth the price. Her taste sucks.

    I understand the need to dress nicely, but you can do that for much less money.

  39. I don’t know where you people get calling michelle obama “The First Lady”. She is no lady in my book. She is however “The First Hag”.

  40. Agreed. She is expected to look her best and to represent Americans. Don’t you think she could do that with even $100 sneakers instead of $500 sneakers? Even a $300 handbag ( which is a lot) instead of a $2000 or more handbag? Don’t mind her having it, but wearing it when her husband is presiding over the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression….seems wrong.
    Thanks for your thoughts.

  41. What is considered an appropriate amount of money for the leader of our nation’s country to spend on a dress?  Just curious.

  42. ‘Ignorance does run rampant’ because it’s not about the clothes…its about the hypocrisy.  If you’re going to lead by demanding something from the American people you better be ready to do it yourself. Clueless.

  43. What a joke this site is…formed by Conservative women whos income is  in the 1% bracket..Just another Republican setup which the comments bought into..they failed to mention that the Obamas buy their own clothes and pay for their own holidays except for the security.look at the back ground of these women who  have this site!!

  44. How much SHOULD The First Lady spend on clothes?  For a State Dinner, taxpayers should argue that The First Lady should be able to dress equal to the attendees, and pay the freight for elegance.  We expect it.  It’s the wearing of expensive “sun dresses” on Hawaiian vacations for 17 days, when Americans are one step out of a Depression that is probably inappropriate and insensitive.