Marco Rubio: THE Future
August 27, 2011

Senator Marco Rubio of Florida: Tells The Truth

Marco Rubio, Freshman Senator from Florida, but one of the brightest lights in politics today, or ever, put entitlements in their place with this remark at the Reagan Library this week:

“These programs actually weakened us as a people.  You see, almost forever it was institutions and society that assumed the role of taking care of one another.  If someone was sick in your family, you took care of them.  If a neighbor met misfortune, you took care of them.  You saved for your retirement and for your future, because you had to.  But all of that changed when the government began to assume those responsibilities.  And as government crowded out the institutions in our society that did these things traditionally, it weakened our people.”

Rubio’s talent is that he speaks plainly, he speaks as an immigration success story, and because he is richly intelligent.  He has a young family like Paul Ryan from Wisconsin.  The two of them represent WHERE the Republican Party is going in the 21st Century and they speak for a kind of responsibility that has been lost in America during the last 50 years.

The government isn’t our family.  Our families must act as families.



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