Gingrich: 176,000 Donors Say “STAY”
March 16, 2012

What Are They Saying When Newt's NOT In The Room?

Like an uncomfortable slumber party, a whispering campaign has begun to permeate the GOP urging Newt Gingrich to take a powder.  To get out of the race.

Rick Santorum would be facing a completely different kind of race if Gingrich would step aside.  When asked this morning on CBS News under what circumstances he would end his campaign, Gingrich told Charlie Rose “probably none.”  From CBS:

“I have 176,000 donors,” he said. “Everywhere I went in Illinois yesterday, people came up to me and said, ‘Please stay in the race, please represent big ideas, please represent things like $2.50 a gallon gas, a personal Social Security fund.'”

Rose asked Gingrich if his biggest supporter, Nevada casino mogul Sheldon Adelson (whose family have given $10 million to the pro-Gingrich Super PAC Winning Our Future), were to urge him to change his campaign would he do so then, Gingrich replied, “No.

“I’m happy to have somebody who cares passionately about the Iranian nuclear weapon and somebody who cares passionately about the survival of Israel independently support me – just as I’m sure Mitt Romney is happy to have 16 billionaires supporting him and, I assume, the president has hundreds of people supporting his Super PAC. That’s unfortunately the way the game is current played, that’s fine.

“But I have 176,000 donors at They want me to stay in the race and I really represent their interest as individuals.”

Despite Running A Lean Campaign, Newt's Fans SHOW UP

Gingrich also criticized President Obama, saying his administration’s policies will not help the middle class facing higher prices at the gas pump.

“They’ve asked the Saudi Arabians to pump a lot more oil,” he said. “So apparently drilling in Saudi Arabia is fine, paying the Saudis allow billions of dollars is fine, having the royalties go to the Saudi government is fine. It’s the Americans Obama doesn’t like to help. Why not drill in the United States? Why not have the money stay here? Why not create jobs here? They can’t have it both ways. . . .

“This administration is punishing the American middle class with high unemployment rates combined with high gasoline prices,” he said.”

HERE’S OUR PROBLEM:  Newt Gingrich makes a lot of sense.  But he can’t win in the General Election because he has become such a polarizing national figure.  His wife might not think so, his advisers who are sucking on the campaign straw won’t think so, and Newt Gingrich won’t agree because he is a man who still wants to be IN THE DISCUSSION.

The Kitchen Cabinet hopes Newt Gingrich will stay in the fray.  His voice and experience is vital, and Newt Gingrich still has a role to play in helping to formulate the transformational policies which our country desperately needs.  The next Republican President will have to grapple with HOW Gingrich can play a constructive role.  Public OR Private.

They'll Just Have To Duke It Out

In the meantime, we are not in a political environment where personal sacrifice for the “better good” is a natural instinct.  Of course slimming the field would help voters to make the distinct choice between Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney, but Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul feel like their presence in the race represents voices of Americans who deserve to be represented.  Gaining delegates, having a seat at the table at the Convention, and staying in the major media is a huge draw for these men who have dedicated their lives to the political stage.

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One Response to “Gingrich: 176,000 Donors Say “STAY”
March 16, 2012