CBS Under The Spell Of The White House: Silences Sharyl Attkisson
October 6, 2011

Attkisson Did The Unspeakable: She Broke Ranks With The Liberal Media

Apparently CBS News Correspondent Sharyl Attkisson did the unspeakable earlier this week.  She reported the truth.  Listen to her entire conversation with Laura Ingrahm below, which has apparently caused CBS to silence Attkisson.

The Weekly Standard is reporting that Atkisson has been cloistered by CBS public relations and is no longer available to talk about how the Department of Justice and White House staffers

CBS Communications Has Silenced Attkisson For Her Investigative Reporting

“screamed and yelled” at her about her inquiries and coverage of the embarrassing “Fast & Furious” gun-running scandal.  (Not to be confused with other concurrent White House scandals…Solyndra and LightSquared.)

You’ll remember The Kitchen Cabinet reported that Attkisson appeared on the Laura Ingrahm talk radio show earlier this week sharing the following:

“The White House and Justice Department will tell you that I’m the only reporter–as they told me–that is not reasonable. They say the Washington Post is reasonable, the LA Times is reasonable, the New York Times is reasonable, I’m the only one who thinks this is a story, and they think I’m unfair and biased by pursuing it.”

Attkinson was not TOWING THE LINE and falling into her place as a member of the Liberal and White House owned media.  She was supposed to be on Wall Street no doubt, dramatizing the carefully choreographed and casted protests by paid union members and a hundred or so students!

The Fast & Furious gun-running scandal has already cost the life of one U.S. law enforcement officer.  “Fast and Furious” illegal guns were trafficked from the United States into Mexico so investigators could track how drug cartels and other criminals used the guns.  The operation was a failure and instead, landed at least 2000 high-powered weapons into the hands of Mexican gangs.  Some of the guns have since been used to kill Mexican officials and a U.S. officer.  While Attorney General Eric Holder testified before Congress saying he had no knowledge of the failed operation along the way, investigators have uncovered regular memos which prove that Holder was briefed regularly, since July.  The Attorney General lied to Congress.

Here is the damning interview Laura Ingraham and investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson shared which has upset CBS and The White House:

CBS is carrying out its own miscarriage of justice in making an honest reporter inaccessible to the media because she is exposing The White House and the Department of Justice’ failed operation.  Sharyl Atkisson is the worst possible commodity in the liberal media today:

A real Journalist.



2 Responses to “CBS Under The Spell Of The White House: Silences Sharyl Attkisson
October 6, 2011

  1. I am in my late 50″s and thought I had seen corruption and an attack on the Constitution with the Clinton White House. I have seen many White Houses since I turned 21, (The voting age at the time). NEVER has their been such a corrupt White House, or a more Anti-American (Yes, I said it, and I meant it) President. After all he thinks this nation needs to be TRANSFORMED, not REFORMED, Folks, but TRANSFORMED. 

    And the MS Media is WORTHLESS!! Thank God for Steve Jobs, and other innovators like him, God rest his soul; We don’t even need to be chained to our computers to be wise to their games!!!

  2. I absolutely agree with Julia Hufford. I’m in my late 60’s and I believe we need to impose term limits on all politicians.  Local, State and Federal. And we need to clean house in 2012!