Congressional Leaders Start To Speak Out Against…Guess Who

Today, former Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole, doesn’t mince words as he steps forward to speak about his former colleague, Newt Gingrich.   One of the most respected concensus-builders in the U.S. Senate, Dole does not often speak publicly.  Dole worked with Gingrich throughout his leadership career, and even arranged a $150,000 loan for him to help pay his ethics fine. You decide if this is a Washington insider trying to keep Gingrich out, or a warning that not everyone who wishes to be re-elected to public office…should be.


What Obama Said In Arizona

Here’s the latest:  “Arizona Governor Jan Brewer is calling President Obama “a little thin-skinned” after their heated exchange at the airport in Phoenix on Wednesday.  Making the media round after tangling with Obama over her criticisms of him in her recent book on immigration, Brewer described the president as wound-up from the moment she greeted him on the tarmac.

Lying About Important Things

It’s not all the marriages, it’s not the affair while punishing President Bill Clinton for an affair, it’s not the $1.6 million in lobbying fees for six years, or being dismissed in disgrace as Speaker of the House by all of his Republican colleagues.  It’s LYING about it ALL.

Gingrich Admits ABC Claim Was False

Newt Gingrich sailed through the South Carolina Primary after a landmark confrontation with CNN’s John King, who opened that state’s Presidential Debate by challenging Gingrich about his marital past.  The former Speaker was powerful in his reprimand and firmly disputed the facts about his behaviors by his 2nd wife, Marianne Gingrich’s public claims.  Now the Gingrich campaign is retreating, saying there never were any “witnesses” to contradict Marianne Gingrich’s story.  Only his daughters, both employed by his campaign, were willing to speak for Gingrich.

Gingrich Wasn’t ALWAYS With Reagan…

” I worked with President Reagan to change things in Washington.  We helped defeat the Soviet empire.”  says Newt Gingrich liberally on the campaign trail.

Among the waterfall of questions that surround Gingrich’s career in and out of government, his “partnership” with President Reagan, as a brand new Congressman, seems sometimes overstated.  Former Assistant Secretary of State in the Reagan administration, Elliot Abrams speaks out today and remembers Newt Gingrich differently:

“Such was Gingrich’s faith in President Reagan that in 1985, he called Reagan’s meeting with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev “the most dangerous summit for the west since Adolf Hilter met with Neville Chamberlain in 1938 in Munich.”


How The Millionaries Do It

Yep.  Ann and Mitt Romney are wealthy Americans.  But they built it themselves.  Skeptics going through the former Governor’s tax returns spot one thing:  He paid fair and square.  Another revelation?  Mitt Romney donated 16% of his income to charities.  Doesn’t sound like much?  The average for most Americans is 2-4 percent.  Newt Gingrich gave 2% of his earnings to charity.  Barack Obama?  1%.

The American Enterprise Institute Weighs In On Romney’s Earnings

The American Enterprise Institute takes another look at Mitt and Ann Romney’s holdings and tax return.  But there’s an even bigger question here.  The Romney’s are willing to serve, but is it worth it?  It’s not as if Mitt Romney couldn’t find fulfillment serving America…elsewhere.

Betting On The First Lady’s Wardrobe

What’s your guess?  Vote in our Kitchen Cabinet Poll and watch the State of the Union tonight to find out if you know how Michelle Obama thinks!  When the President challenges Congress to RAISE taxes on the rich…how expensive of an outfit do you think Michelle Obama will be donning in the House gallery?   Will handlers have told her to stay away from the $3000 handbags and $2000 Jimmy Choo shoes in such a touchy year?  And after her $4 million dollar vacation?    You make the call…$3000, $1000, or…click through and take our poll!

The Latest Numbers From Florida

Today’s Polls from Florida?  They show Newt Gingrich up by 8.  No Mitt Romney up by 12.  It just depends upon whom you talk to.  Daily Tracking Polls issued by the media are scrambling and impacting voter decisions.  Are we sure we want the MEDIA picking our candidate?  Look behind the scenes.

Got A Blackberry? Could Be Looking At An Overhaul

Just when you thought you had the Blackberry of your dreams, the charger is working, your leather case is attractive and functional.  You even have a car charger!  NOW, Blackberry undergoes a shake-up, which could make your current Smartphone…on old Smartphone.