Remember: Airlines Can’t Keep You Waiting More Than 3 Hours

Don’t you hate struggling through airport lines at the holidays only to finally drop your bags and read the Departure Board…announcing a lengthy DELAY?  The Department of Transportation is working for you!  This holiday the rules are on your side.  Read why you only need to have a 3-hour charge on your laptop, EVEN if, you’re delayed in an airport.  Starting NOW.

Black Friday Shopping Strategy? Pepper Spray!

A Kitchen Cabinet staffer shops at the Porter Ranch Wal-Mart and saw the chaos of the “Pepper-Spray Shopper.”   Lines formed outside the store and INSIDE awaiting the 10pm “blast” of specials hours early.  One woman, perhaps a passionate mother, possibly a flea market hustler trying to get cheap bargains to RESELL, began spraying anyone in her way of a deal.  The Los Angeles Times has the rest of the story.

FOX News’ Megyn Kelly… Misunderstood

Megyn Kelly taking sides with Occupy Wall Street?  That’s what some of the bloggers and major media are saying, but the truth is Kelly is waiting for the FACTS about what really happened at UC Davis during an OWS protest.  During an O’Reilly appearance though she made some legal arguments for both sides of the incident.  See if you agree!

God Bless The Kitchen Cabinet

The Kitchen Cabinet represents hundreds of thousands of women who are providing leadership, labor, and love in communities all across the country.   This Thanksgiving we remember each of you for the good you do in America.  For the homes you have built with your lives.  For the nurturers you are, the Mothers, and the Other Mothers, who keep the homefronts strong.

Thanksgiving Hotlines

We can’t help you get your garbage disposal working, but we can offer some help and resources for your Thanksgiving Day questions!

Tune in here if you want to ask questions about cooking your turkey, baking, seasoning, or even using CRISCO!

A Day For Thanksgiving

A must read written by the Editors of the Milwaukee Sentinel…

“Thanksgiving that year was celebrated on Nov. 26, one week after Lincoln’s trip to a small Pennsylvania town where he memorialized the fallen in one of the war’s climactic battles. With bodies still lying unburied in the fields behind him, Lincoln asked the nation to “highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain, that this nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom.  In establishing this great tradition, Lincoln stated:  I do therefore invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens.”

Thanksgiving… Sarah Palin’s Way

A Personal Thanksgiving Reflection by Sarah Palin:

This Thanksgiving my family will bundle Trig up and grin while we watch him through ice-frosted eyelashes as he curiously takes in all that is around him in the crisp open air. I hope your Thanksgiving gives you the opportunity to find that reminder of what really matters, too. For me, my perfect picture of thankfulness is my perfectly awesome son. With him, all is well with my soul and I know I am blessed.

Would Hollywood Treat Michelle Obama That Way?

Michele Bachmann knows Hollywood won’t cut her a break.  Even so,  agreeing to appear on the late night Jimmy Fallon Show was like swinging the front door wide open for a subtle attack.  That’s just what the Congresswoman got, a rude, inappropriate arrow in the back….even before she spoke out on any or all policies where she might differ with her hosts!  Read more here.  Conservative women….can’t catch a break!

Highlights From A GREAT Debate

Mitt Romney had the upper hand in last night’s debate, but Newt Gingrich brought much experience to the discussion of national security, and Michele Bachmann turned in a top performance as well.  Watch the highlights here!

UPDATE: UC Davis Authorities Answer Criticism Of Campus Police

UC Chancellor Linda Katehi speaks up and “supports” her students at UC Davis, but does she look comfortable among them?  Watch this great overview done by PBS Newshour, featuring really informative interviews with the key leaders on campus.  Additional video from the scene as well which is helpful to understand the scene.