God Bless The Kitchen Cabinet
November 23, 2011

America's Greatest National Resource: Women

The Kitchen Cabinet represents hundreds of thousands of women who are providing leadership, labor, and love in communities all across the country.   This Thanksgiving we remember each of you for the good you do in America.  For the homes you have built with your lives.  For the nurturers you are, the Mothers, and the Other Mothers, who keep the homefronts strong.

The United States is staring into a future which demands transformation.  No transformation of our nation has ever occurred without the strength of women.  As we unite with our friends, and our families this Thanksgiving, some barely able to afford the dishes on their tables, we must prepare.  The time is coming when women like us who care about the condition of the country will have to look up from our homes, our yards, our careers, and our service, and turn our attention fully towards Washington.  The futures of our families is at stake.

We won’t be hoeing Colonial acres, pulling handcarts or driving wagons.  We won’t be asked to shoot rivets into war planes or plant victory gardens.  Our 21st Century act of courage will be to shift America radically into reverse .  Form an army of concerned women who spea

Women Helped Win WWII With Their Labor

k with authority, and who speak with their votes.  As shareholders in the economic engine of the country, we must that integrity and sacrifice rule Capitol Hill.

It is time for prosperity, and opportunity to return to this country.    Those important doors must swing open for anyone willing to work hard for it.

So as we give thanks for our heritage this Thanksgiving, let’s also utter quiet prayers for our future.

It’s time for a new generation of women, to make history.



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