What’s A Conservative Woman Voter To Do?
March 7, 2012

Santorum Wins The Small Battles...But Romney Continues To Win The Big One

Rick Santorum gave Mitt Romney a 10-round heavy-weight fight on Super Tuesday.  Granted, Mitt Romney came away with six states and Santorum only three, but the MORAL victory of staying close in important states, and denying Romney any hope in Tennessee, and taking away Oklahoma, and surprising Ron Paul in North Dakota, all with the help of Evangelical and especially disenchanted Tea Party members, put jet fuel in his tank.  Unfortunately, a moral victory among Republicans, is not going to win the most important election of our time.  It just won’t.

So here’s the news bulletin that conservative women have to absorb:

As much as some of us may like to believe that Rick Santorum OR Newt Gingrich have a bullet path to the convention, and past Barack Obama to The White House, neither candidate does.  Not even if Mitt Romney presented each of them with half of his delegates.

Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich only get us THE VOTES WE ALREADY HAVE.

To beat Barack Obama in what will be a painfully close election, the GOP needs to ENLARGE its family, pull in undecided Independent Women Voters, attract Latinos, and even lure disenchanted Democrats.

The Obama team would love to face Santorum...that's why they're trying to help him.

This is why celebrity millionaire Donald Trump has said “Rick Santorum would be a CHRISTMAS GIFT to the Democrats.  I don’t believe it’s going to happen, but boy would they like it to happen, because it would be an easy election.”

Of course our friends and supporters in The Tea Party, and passionate Evangelical Christians supporting Rick Santorum are deeply disappointed by such comments, and such points of view.  Newt Gingrich doesn’t want to hear it either.

But there is only one mission for families who are aching because of this terrible, sinking economy:  BEAT BARACK OBAMA.

Make Your Vote Count...And Boot Obama

The Kitchen Cabinet will meet its responsibility to inform  desperately-concerned conservative women, that whether we think he’s perfect or not, Mitt Romney leads in delegates, has a clear pathway to the nomination, and CAN attract the Independent voters, the fed-up Democrats, and the WOMEN voters we need to get the job done.

The simple question is, “Do you want to beat Barack Obama in the Fall?”  Because even the most partisan pundits on FOX or CNN will tell you, Mitt Romney is the GOP’s ONLY shot.  So the next question is, “How much time and money do Republicans care to waste, to the delight of Democrats?”

There’s a reason a majority of GOP women voters are already coalescing behind Mitt Romney in every Primary.  We are looking at our checkbooks.  We are watching our friends lose their homes.  Our college kids don’t have jobs.  So even though all we know and love about Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich is true, we have to look at what is best for our families.

Conservative women should always vote their conscience.  But vote smart too.

With 20 of 50 states decided, Mitt Romney has 415 delegates, Santorum 176, Newt Gingrich 105 and Ron Paul 47.  Romney has more delegates than ALL THREE of his opponents.  OF COURSE the media maintains Romney is a weak frontrunner, but he is so far ahead of Santorum now, the former Senator can never catch up.  The truth is, the Romney camp isn’t keeping an eye on Santorum or Gingrich.  Their sites are set solely upon Barack Obama.  Virtually every pundit and every network and every strategist agrees…  the GOP will be getting behind Mitt Romney.  The sooner that happens, the better shot we have at digging Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Rahm Emanuel, and David Axelrod, OUT OF power and stopping their influence.

If the landscape changes.  If Rick Santorum wins every Primary from here on out and Newt Gingrich seeds all of his delegates to Santorum, and Paul does the same, The Kitchen Cabinet will inform you



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