November 22, 2011

Just Let It Keep Ringing

Take a moment to put your thanks into ACTION.

Go to TheKitchenCabinet.US and

Click HERE to call your Congressman direct.

Or click HERE to call your Senator direct.

CALL and demand that they STAY PUT over the holidays until a compromise on our national deficit is reached.

Why should Congress be permitted to shut down and enjoy Thanksgivng when at least 24 million Americans can’t even afford a turkey this year?  With everything on the line in America, our credit rating in jeopardy again, unemployment teetering on a “super” crisis, our public schools barely funded, Wall Street wobbly, and a President who can’t speak to any of these issues unless he’s reading ink off his palm,


It’s simple.  The SuperCommittee was just a device.  Meant to leave the impression that Americans were to see serious compromise and urgent negotiating to save the economy.  ACTUALLY, the SuperCommittee was choreographed to make sure there were NO WINNERS.  Republican leaders were not going to be wrestled into raising taxes just before the 2012 election cycle, and Democrats were going to make darn sure they were NOT on the record as having cut ENTITLEMENTS.

They All Get "F's"

It was a victory for politicians.  A complete failure for taxpayers.  This is war!  Why should Americans be paying the salaries of Senators and Representatives who are the architects of NOTHING?

Rather than sharing what The Washington Post is spinning, or other U.S. news outlets, let’s take a look at how our allies the BRITS see our economic migraine:

“Republicans insisted during the supercommittee negotiations that curbing tax breaks to raise revenues be coupled with guarantees that all the Bush tax cuts would continue beyond 2012. The tax cuts, which affect families at every income level, were enacted under President George W. Bush and were extended through 2012 under President Barack Obama.

Republicans for years have bashed Democrats as eager to raise taxes — a theme they will employ often in next year’s elections — so they weren’t about to agree to a tax hike unless they also could take credit for preventing a huge tax increase scheduled to take effect in 2013.

Democrats countered that the supercommittee was created to reduce the budget deficit, not add to it by extending tax cuts. Most Democrats, including Obama, want to extend the Bush tax cuts only to individuals making less than $200,000 a year and married couples making less than $250,000.

Do You Think John Kerry Is Really Worried About Deficits?

“We simply could not overcome the Republican insistence on making tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans permanent,” said Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., a member of the supercommittee. “This was simply doctrine for some of our Republican colleagues, even as many worked very hard in good faith to find a better way forward.”

Another member of the supercommittee, Rep. Dave Camp, R-Mich., said, “It is deeply regrettable that my Democrat colleagues could not see their way to addressing these much-needed reforms without at least $1 trillion in job-killing tax increases on families and employers.”

Extending all the Bush tax cuts, including provisions to spare millions of middle-class families from paying the alternative minimum tax, would add $3.9 trillion to the budget deficit over the next decade, according to projections by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. The Democratic plan would add about $3.1 trillion to the deficit over the same period and make the wealthiest Americans pay about $800 billion more in taxes.

The SuperCommittee was formed to come up with a package that reduces government borrowing by at least $1.2 trillion over the next decade. But with a Wednesday deadline approaching, the committee’s co-chairs conceded failure Monday.

“After months of hard work and intense deliberations, we have come to the conclusion today that it will not be possible to make any bipartisan agreement available to the public before the committee’s deadline,” said a joint statement by the co-chairs, Rep. Jeb Hensarling, R-Texas, and Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash.

If you can stand it…there’s even more, here.



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