The Surprise Of Romney
May 29, 2012

Romney: Tireless Campaigner AND Strategist

Mitt Romney was supposed to be unelectable.  A Northeasterner, a Mormon, a Millionaire and a Wall Street Mogul.  Pundits and political strategists, after all,  have made careers based on counting Mitt Romney OUT.

But the steady, courteous, intelligent, and carefully planned Romney has turned into a tortoise… and a hare.  He has blazed past the Southern contenders, other hopeful Governors, even focused social conservatives, and emerged as the one man in America with a real chance to unseat Barack Obama.

His Better Half?

Ann Romney hasn’t hurt either.  Her authenticity and natural way with people blends nicely with Mitt Romney’s formality and focus on policy.  Indeed, one of the biggest surprises about the Romneys is that instead of their religion making them “different,” Americans are discovering that the Romneys are just LIKE them in values and politics.

Mitt Romney is campaigning in an era when success in politics is too often  based on personality…rather than character.  We have the media to thank for encouraging this dynamic.  Fortunately, In 2012 Americans are starved for character and skills.  Mitt Romney coincidentally, has both.

Romney GETS IT

With a deficit jetting above $16 trillion, unemployment statistics setting records, foreclosures destroying home values, and businesses everywhere paralyzed with fear, Mitt Romney’s professionalism, creativity, and fierce views about protecting America’s interests at home and abroad, are a damning contrast to Barack Obama.

President Obama and his team seem like foxes chasing their tails, so unprepared and unskilled in economics and foreign affairs, it’s frightening.  At every turn the administration seems embarrassed by its own strategies, and under-served by a flock of political appointees with no experience in the economy or worldwide emergencies.

The surprise of Mitt Romney, is that he has the pedigree of the greatest of America’s founders.  He is well-educated, writes his own speeches, has a talent for identifying… talent.  Romney has run big businesses and small, he knows what SUCCESS looks like. Deep GOP Conservatives are slowly hopping on the Romney train, because even they realize that Mitt and Ann Romney don’t just talk about the values of America… they live them.

Barack Obama must go to bed at night drinking Mylanta.  There are only rough seas ahead of him, and the President has known nothing else since the first time he said “yes!” to Harry Reid.  His biggest problem?  Barack Obama agreed to be a carefully-shaped rock star, when what America really needed…

America....Is ON To The President

Was a President.

The biggest surprise of all?  Barack Obama believed he could get it away with it.



One Response to “The Surprise Of Romney
May 29, 2012

  1. American needs you MITT.  
    Obama is killing this country one day at a time. 
    I pray evey night that you win by a land slide……………
    GOD BLESS YOU AND ANN and put you’ll in the white house so America  can again be proud   of her first family..