Romney’s Tax Plan: Even Experts Like It
February 22, 2012

Make It Stop!

We’ll take ANYTHING!  Any improvement on the existing tax code would be a lifesaver for most families.  Take a look at the handful of ideas which the Mitt Romney campaign has fleshed out for voters this week.  Take a look:

1-Make Permanent, Across-The-Board 20 Percent Cut In Marginal Rates. This bold stroke reduces the tax on the next dollar of income earned for all taxpayers. The new top rate of 28 percent returns to the top rate signed by President Reagan in 1986.

2-Pro-Growth. These tax cuts — relative to President Obama’s proposal to raise the tax rates on the most successful business owners — will increase wages in non-corporate businesses by 6 percent, increase investment by 10 percent, and increase business receipts by 16 percent. . . .

3-Mitt Romney will maintain the current 15 percent rate on income from qualified dividends and capital gains. He will cut taxes further on lower- and middle-income Americans by ensuring that families with an annual income below $200,000 will pay no taxes on income from capital gains, interest, and qualified dividends. These low tax rates will create powerful incentives for Americans to save and invest, while spurring business investment and economic growth.

Does Mitt Romney Really Know How To Jumpstart The Economy? Cutting Taxes Is a Terrific Start!

4-He also promises to abolish the inheritance tax and the alternative minimum tax.

Let’s face it, Romney’s plan is realistic, encourages growth, business expansion, and protects The Middle Class, which is being suffocated by high gas and food prices, and tax increases at every turn.  It’s not “9 – 9 -9,” but that plan was never taken seriously in its entirety.  It was almost more of a punchline than reality.  Let’s see if the other GOP candidates counter Mitt Romney’s suggestions….and do better.

Read more about it here:



One Response to “Romney’s Tax Plan: Even Experts Like It
February 22, 2012

  1. Dear Sirs
     As a American citizen I am all for a flat tax.Every person pays the same percentage from the poor to the rich.There are no deductions or loop holes and no taxes to file.
     Then the IRS can be decreased is size,saving money.Those left in the IRS can go after the tax evaders and cheats.this option is simple with no hassle for people trying to do a thousand other things at this time of the year.