One Year From Today….We MUST Win.
November 6, 2011

Time To Stand Up For The Futures Of Our Families

We must win The White House, but that won’t be enough.  We also have to hold the House of Representatives.  Republicans also have a very good chance of taking control of the Senate.  State races will be in play as well.  But what America is aching for is a transformation, and there has never been a transformation of our country without the help of women.

Sonja Eddings Brown, Founder of The Kitchen Cabinet.US

The Kitchen Cabinet is preparing to unite women from all walks of life, all faiths, all neighborhoods to march to the polls exactly one year from today.  We will have to be united, informed, resolved, and ready to create a WALL of women ready to defend the futures of our families.  Never will Conservatives face opposition as we will in the coming election year and never will the vote of concerned, economically-conservative women be more critical to the outcome of an election.

In the 2008 presidential election, 30 million American women stayed home.   Most did not vote because they “didn’t know where to go”  or “they didn’t know who to vote for”  and felt terribly uninformed.  The Kitchen Cabinet wants to change this landscape for women.  There needs to be one place where Conservative women can go that is crafted just for them, and where they CAN become informed.  Where conservative women can unite with their organizations, members and leaders, and speak with authority to national leaders.  With 2/3 of all homes in the country led by women as breadwinners or co-breadwinners, we simply can’t afford to be silent at the ballot box.

Women can’t work any harder than they are today.

12 million single mothers are struggling to keep food on the table.

4 million wives or MORE are trying to pay the bills while their husbands look for work.

The voices of women must be heard in Washington and all across the country, in 2012.   We need to help Washington re-set the priorities of America….and the wisdom of women is irreplaceable in the discussion.

So we begin today.   We won’t have a billion dollars like Barack Obama will.  We won’t have a jet.  A limo.  A bus. Or a taxpayer-paid  vacation retreat.

What we will have is millions of the greatest women in America, who all know what needs to be done and who are devoted to doing it.  We must begin to restore the principles and values of America which have been us the strongest and most admired country in the world.  Working together, we can deliver a new leader to The White House in 2012, and hold accountable our representatives on Capitol Hill.

Economically-conservative women can win this election….if we unite and express our MAJORITY.

It’s time for concerned women to unite, and by simply caring and communicating , change Washington from our homes.

We’re counting on you to tell EVERYONE you know.   Show them where to find The Kitchen Cabinet.

It’s time for a NEW generation of women….to make history.

More to come,

Sonja Eddings Brown

President, The Kitchen Cabinet



4 Responses to “One Year From Today….We MUST Win.
November 6, 2011

  1. I absolutely will not vote for a republican….sorry…they have had their chance to help the economy  and failed…

  2. YES!!! Tell me what I can do and I’m there! 30 years Advertising sales & Marketing! At your service because God knows I can’t find a job right now and I need to be doing SOMETHING!!! I can’t think of anything better to be doing with my time that helping WOMEN to STAND UP for AMERICA!

  3. Marilyn: Fair enough. If you vote for a Democrat again, you will have more of NOW. If you vote for a third party, you throw out your vote. Tough choices! The Kitchen Cabinet is urging women to vote for a reform candidate on the GOP side…and then WE’LL use our numbers to hold them accountable…finally.

  4. What is Marilyn talking about?  Under Bush, unemployment never went above 6%.  He and Republicans tried to regulate Fannie and Freddie numerous times, which is what caused the economic downfall in the first place.  Do some research, Marilyn!!