Newt Gets New Hampshire Newspaper Endorsement
November 27, 2011

Lucky Grab For Gingrich

A new breath of hope for Newt Gingrich in the important primary state of New Hampshire.  The influential Manchester Union Leader says that Gingrich is the one candidate running who has had success in Washington. The Leader placed a banner headline on the front page of the paper stating its support for Gingrich.

Mitt Romney is not without impressive support in New Hampshire.  He has garnered the prized endorsement of Tea Party-elected Senator Kelly Ayotte and popular Representative Charlie Bass, former Governor John Sununu, and Senator Judd Gregg.  All much sought endorsements.  Romney is a homeowner in New Hampshire.

The Union Leader endorsed  John McCain over Mitt Romney in 2008 and has been long critical of the former Massachusetts Governor.  The New Hampshire Union Leaders also endorsed Steve Forbes in 1999.

The latest polls from the important primary state show Romney dominating at this point:

Senator Ayotte is the Tea Party favorite in New Hampshire

“A new Suffolk University/7News survey in the state shows Romney garnering a whopping 41 percent of Republican voters. Gingrich and Texas Rep. Ron Paul are tied for a distant second place with 14 percent.”



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