Heaven Help Herman Cain
November 1, 2011

Herman Cain and wife of 43 years, Gloria

Is it Romney?  Is it Michele Bachmann?  Is it Rick Perry’s campaign?  Newt Gingrich or Ron Paul or … Jon Huntsman?  Who Wants Herman Cain Out of the race for the Presidency?  Who is willing to hurt his wife, his two children and three grandchildren, by putting his character in question?

The answer is none of the above.

Mitt Romney would love to consider Herman Cain as a possible running mate, and there is a natural understanding between the two.   Rick Perry’s campaign is just barely able to keep ITSELF alive.  No extra fuel to chase down rumors about Herman

Two Frontrunners

Cain.  Gingrich, Paul Huntsman, Santorum?  Not in a million years.  Having a distinguished, successful, well-spoken African American CONSERVATIVE on the national stage couldn’t be more helpful to the GOP.

So who is it then?  Who gains by a meltdown of the Herman Cain candidacy?

Barack Obama.

The only other African American on the national stage.  The Kitchen Cabinet is willing to wager that if real journalists exist, and are willing to do their job, the trail will lead back to a Democratic Party operative assigned to seek and destroy the campaign of a Black man, who could find his way onto the GOP ticket in the Fall of 2012, and offer a blinding alternative to Barack Obama.  Regardless whether he is No. 1, or No. 2 on the ticket.

Hold The White House At ANY Cost..to ANYONE

This would explain why Politico.com was blessed with the breaking story, because Politico is a known mouthpiece for the Democrats.  The story is breaking in the slow, blade-twisting style of a premeditated, politically-coordinated attack.  This scandal could actually be almost baseless.  A not-so-unusual workplace misstep.  But the way the story has been planted, broken open, and spilled out drip by drip, makes the entire matter smell like the work of a dark, dank, political backroom.

Must Save THEIR Jobs...Not America's Jobs

What is especially ugly, is that anyone familiar with campaigns knows that this is the beginning.  Not the end.  After Cain’s character, business record, good intentions, and lifetime of achievement is set afire, Mitt Romney or Rick Perry will be next.  Because this is WAR.  2012 is a battle for the economy and the culture of America.  The Democratic National Committee, its big funders and sympathizers and its leaders, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid,  agree that virtually any tactic is fair play in an election that could spell the end… of their power.



23 Responses to “Heaven Help Herman Cain
November 1, 2011

  1. I don’t believe any of the trash that has hit the news about Mr. Cain!!  I have been thinking since day 1 of this that it came from the Obama camp!!  You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to see that!!

  2. Smells like the Jack Ryan thing all over again, broken to drive his opponent out of a race that Obama was going to win going away…… What will he try when he knows he’s going to lose?
    God help us all!

  3.      I will still vote for him…….. It’s not surprising to me that they are waging a smear campaign!

  4. Honest Leadership/Open Government
    Give me a break!!!!!

  5. This country and the tactics used by  the liberal biased media and the democratics politicians looks more and more as third world tyrant type of campaigns. They are trying to smear Mr. Cain because they are afraid of this well articulate Black American gentleman. He  and his lovely wife Gloria is  the type of people we should have in the White House. He is charming and his wife looks very nice and they are real Black Americans.

  6. I am voting for Herman Cain. I am so totally sick of women who engage a man in a flirtation (or whatever) and then file sexual harassment charges. I have seen this happen. I am sure many others have too. I personally do not care what Cain’s alleged misdeeds are. (Didn’t the entire nation ignore Clinton’s sexual philandering, while in office??)  Heaven will help Herman Cain & so will every Constitution loving American voter who is sick of the drain we are spiraling down.  God Bless Herman Cain and May God Bless America!!

  7. The Dem’s are starting this crap, i feel so bad for them ,if they would just sweep around thier own doors first they might not have time to come up w/ crap like this…. for all who believe its the dem’s stand up and tell them to get a life…. you stand firm Mr. Cain !!!!!!!!!

  8. Herman Cain has great supporters that’s for sure, and he’s lucky to have you Angela! Let’s hope tomorrow is a better day for him!

  9. If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck….it’s got to be a duck! This has ‘Chicago style’ smear campaign all over it! Obama can not win on his record, so look out! He is on a ‘seek and destroy’ mission. God help us all! God bless America!

  10. That’s our guess too Nancy. Thanks for your comment! TKC

  11. I believe it’s a smear campaign too. If handled correctly, it will not affect his campaign. I sent an extra donation today to help Mr. Cain with his campaign because I still believe in him

  12. I’m sure he hasn’t done any worse than President Clinton.  I would still consider voting for Herman Cain.  I disturbs me that someone would dig up dirt just to ruin someone who is trying to do good with this country.

  13. You are a great American! Cain is definitely under attack….and I’m sure he appreciates donations like yours the most! TKC

  14. I support Mr. Cain, this does not disqualify him in my book.  This is another high tech lynching or should I say “low” tach.

  15. Go after Politico.  There are ways to turn the tables.  Let’s support Cain by forcing their hand on who is behind this smear campaign.

  16. well put. TKC

  17. Agreed..and we wrote about that very issue yesterday. Who wants Cain out of the race so badly, that they would be willing to destroy his character? A Republican currently running for president? WE DOUBT IT! Cain adds much to the platform, and has raised very little money. He poses a threat to Obama as an intelligent, business-savvy, African American conservative on the national stage. The Democrats want to make sure Cain is blemished for the Vice Presidency too.

  18. When Obama was running for the Senate, the GOP ran an excellent candidate against him, Jack Ryan.  Mysteriously, someone discovered a problem in Ryan’s SEALED divorce records and we ended up with Alan Keyes, who didn’t even live in the state, as Obama’s opponent.  

    Thanks to broad interpretation of sexual harassment, a man can be charged for telling a woman she looks nice or calling her “Honey”.  And once the charge is made, a company will arrange a pay off rather than spend hundreds of thousands in legal fees to prove his innocence. A man’s reputation can be ruined over nothing.  And even worse, when REAL harassment occurs, the victim may be treated with skepticism.

  19. This is So true. I listened to PAT ROBERTSON, the religious broadcaster, share an experience on television last night where even HE paid off a legal challenge to make it go away……..we need to handcuff trial lawyers.

  20. I also believe that the Democrats will do everything they can to discredit every Republican candidate running for president so that whoever is the nominee will be an easier target to defeat next November. George Soros has so much money he can give to every liberal group in America that they can easily funnel it into the Democrats’ war chests. He did it in 2008. The despicable Michael Moore has close to $14 million, I believe, and he, along with Pelosi, Boxer, Kerry and other rich politicians could help deliver the senate to the Democrats and re-elect B. Hussein Obama to help destroy our republic and our economy.

  21. I’m standing by my man, Herman. Just thought of something….He always says “Love ya” to us. Maybe he said that and made her “uncomfortabe”. It wouldn’t surprise me.
       Stay strong Mr. Cain. Your country needs you to get us back on the right track. 

  22. As of this moment, I am voting for Herman Cain.  There’s nothing substantiated — everyone is anonymous — no facts given — the lawyer has had his time on TV but he can’t tell us the charges because of the agreement.  This is ridiculous.  Obama has everything to lose so this is just more Chicago Mob business dealing. 

  23. Louise…thoughtful and fair. Amazing that the one woman who did feel strongly to make a statement….didn’t STATE the charges!