Democrats: Playing Us Like A Fiddle?
March 4, 2012

GOP Is THEIR Private Joke....

Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Rahm Emanuel are probably laughing their way through joint conference calls.

1- Instead of the GOP focusing on Barack Obama’s lousy economy, we spent the past week talking about BIRTH CONTROL…just as the DNC had planned.  Remember the first time “contraception” entered the 2012 campaign?  It was ABC’s George Stephanopoulos oddly extending the question to Mitt Romney in a presidential debate.  Romney did a double-take he was so shocked.  We have since learned that the question was planted by Democratic strategists.

2- Instead of the crucial Michigan Primary narrowing the GOP battle, Rick Santorum joined with the DNC to get out and vote AGAINST Mitt Romney.   Romney still won by three-to four percentage points, but Santorum partnering with BIG LABOR insured that precious GOP resources were spent…to battle DEMOCRATS!   Not REPUBLICANS.

3- Instead of acknowledging that Barack Obama will have a gold-plated sledge hammer waiting for our Republican nominee this Fall and coalescing behind a candidate, ANY candidate early, some in the Party desire to drag out our nomination process all the way to LABOR DAY!  Imagine all the wasted millions spent to fund in-fighting for SIX MORE MONTHS?   No wonder The White House re-election czars were eager to invite Big Labor to get out and vote for Rick Santorum in Michigan and probably Ohio’s Primary as well.

Why are we playing right into the hands of the Democrats?  


In 2012, Republicans are not just fighting to save the economy, we’re fighting to maintain control of The Supreme Court.  Perhaps as we head into Super Tuesday, we should carefully measure our votes?  All four of the remaining GOP presidential candidates will have a role in the” Battle For The Soul Of America”, but only one is positioned to win the nomination.  Mitt Romney.  He might not be perfect for all, but he is the most likely candidate to attract the 13% of Independent Women voters who will decide whether Barack Obama gets a second term.

That one statistic should give you a clue why President Obama is so bent on gifting contraceptives to women voters!

If we must compromise, shouldn’t we “settle” for the man the Democrats clearly don’t want to face in November?



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