Inside The KC

Ann Romney: No Pretense

Remarkably, Ann Romney’s genuine comments about how she truly measures her wealth…are being criticized by Democrats.  Get ready for the General Election.  Listen here and you begin to see who your next First Lady…might be.

Super Tuesday States & Timetable

Democrats: Playing Us Like A Fiddle?

Do you realize that Obama’s campaign strategists are doing everything in their power to coordinate the media, scramble our presidential field, and pick our presidential nominee?  It’s just the beginning of the most toxic year in presidential politics….ever.

We Need More of The “South” In America

Georgia is one of the most beautiful places on earth.  Especially when it’s not hot, humid and JULY!  This past week The Kitchen Cabinet visited the great state and welcomed its wonderful GRFW presidents into The Kitchen Cabinet. What was their most common chant?  OBAMA MUST GO.  Pictured here?  Well she should be in the GFRW!  Miss Georgia 2011!


Just a coincidence?  Andrew Breitbart wouldn’t tolerate this for a minute.  The I.R. S. is making inquiries that seem intended to directly intimidate men and women leading small, neighborhood, Tea Party groups, maintained with POCKET CHANGE.

Why does the I.R.S. care?  You can guess.

Ron Paul Makes A Play For WASHINGTON ST.

Ron Paul is on the warpath this week.  He’s emptying his campaign war chest to try and win a state or two.  New powerful commercials are landing in two key states for the Libertarian Congressman.  Watch and see how he plans to undermine his competition!

Andrew Breitbart…GONE FROM US

A shock, a loss, and a legacy.  Andrew Breitbart was taken to UCLA Medical Center in the night with undisclosed problems and died of natural causes.  He was a husband, a father, and a 43-year old legend to Conservatives.

What Really Happened In Michigan

Santorum fans weren’t that happy last night, but the Romney camp heaved a sigh of relief.  In the final hours, Rick Santorum was lobbying Democrats to vote for HIM, right along with the Democratic National Committee.  The DNC was only too happy to send votes the way of Rick Santorum in hopes of upsetting frontrunner Mitt Romney.  It was an under-handed plan, but brilliant.  Except that it failed.

I.R.S. Intimidating Tea Party Groups

Imagine the Obama administration’s I.R.S. trying to intimidate and scare off  middle class Tea Party groups by smothering them with threatening legal inquiries!   Eric Holder and the Justice Department tried the very same tactic on big GOP donors earlier this year, threatening to assess a gift tax on all political donations made to 501c-4 non-profit groups in the 2010 election.  Do you think this latest government tactic will weaken bold Tea Party activists?  Not a  chance.

Obama’s Damning Numbers

How is Obama polling…REALLY?  Not the way the media portrays it, but as the numbers really are?  This look at his approval rating, faith and confidence in his ability to jumpstart the economy, and his chances against GOP frontrunners?  All the numbers signal trouble.  Deep trouble.