Bad News Comes In Threes For The President
August 18, 2011

Ouch.  Representative Maxine Waters of the Congressional Black Caucus slams President Obama in this priceless YouTube video expressing the disenchantment of African Americans with the President:

The luxury presidential bus (2 of them) were probably poorly timed right after raising the debt ceiling and watching our bond rating drop.   I’ve always thought the presidential limousines flown expensively in the belly of Air Force One was a lovely way to travel!  Then the Martha’s Vineyard Vacation for 10 days, in an economic year when more than 10% of our country is unemployed and growing……seems a bit blind to the condition of Americans today.  Here are the details driven home by Mitt Romney on a radio show yesterday in Chicago:


“With 14 million Americans out of work, a volatile stock market and a historic downgrade of the country’s credit rating, President Obama is set to begin a 10-day retreat Thursday at a 28-acre Martha’s Vineyard compound called Blue Heron Farm, which costs an estimated $50,000 per week to rent. That divide — and the presumed hypocrisy of a president who has pledged not to rest ‘until every American looking for a job can find one,’ going golfing and biking on an island playground for wealthy celebrities — has been too much for political pundits to resist.”

Agreed Mr. President. Try a backyard camp-out!



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