A Billion Dollars Ought To Do It!
October 24, 2011

Better Have A Billion In 2012

We don’t often use The Huffington Post as a source for real news….just reconnaissance!  But the internet magazine’s piece today on campaign fundraising, actually rung true and explains why Barack Obama only spends EVERY THIRD DAY in The White House!

 “The thirst for money is an endemic feature of modern presidential campaigns, and one that is only worsening. In 1988, those who ran for the White House raised a combined $324.4 million. Twenty years later, that total was $1.748 billion. By 2012, it’s expected that America will witness its first billion-dollar campaign (for President Barack Obama), while a rapidly growing network of shadowy groups and political action committees will pour tens of millions more into electioneering.

In this mad dash for cash, a small universe of political operatives are seeking the key to what is widely expected to be a potential gold mine: donations via mobile device.

“This is the big question heading into 2012, really,” said Tim Tagaris, new-media director for the Service Employees International Union, who ran online operations for former Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Ct.) and Connecticut senatorial candidate Ned Lamont. “No one has figured it out. But with email being the main driver of political giving and an exponential increase in mobile to check [email], someone has to.”


Campaign strategists are busy exploring every possible way to exploit social networking, e-mail, cell phone contact, national phone records, direct mail, person to person phone calling, and even YOUTUBE as ways to “touch” Americans repeatedly in organized “begs” for money.


But in Obama’s America:  WHO HAS ANYTHING TO SPARE?



2 Responses to “A Billion Dollars Ought To Do It!
October 24, 2011

  1. If only we could give that money to organizations that would help put people to work.  Like scholarships for school, focus hope, city mission, Grace Centers of HOpe, Detroit Rescue Mission, etc.

  2. Put the money in the hands of REAL people!!!  There are families living in their cars, children who don’t eat regularly!!  A billion dollars would help a lot of people NOW, putting it into the hands of organizations only builds the ‘war-chest’ of the organization. Feed Americans now, put people back to work now.