WHAT Are Democrats THINKING?
September 1, 2012

Apparently it’s ALL about Barack Obama!  Environmentalists have apparently been set aside while the Democratic National Committee moves 10 TONS of sand to create a larger-than-life, Mount Rushmore-style TRIBUTE TO BARACK OBAMA!  He finally has his own statue!  Unfortunate problem?  An enormous DOWNPOUR damaged the sculpture on the very first day.  Workers are rushing to put Humpty- Dumpty back together again…..?

Meanwhile, the GOP will just concentrate on the deadly state of the Economy…..

Mountain-sized sand replica of President Obama




3 Responses to “WHAT Are Democrats THINKING?
September 1, 2012

  1. When you build your dreams upon the sand it is no different than attempting to build a house upon the sand.  the first storm washes it all away!  When will we realize that he is leading us out on the sand at low tide.   When the tide comes in we will all be washed away!

    Indeed, let’s do have PERSPECTIVE — Obviously a Progressive troll, James is dutifully repeating his Media Matters supplied talking points, disregarding/obfuscating truth in mass.

    Where he REALLY GOES OFF THE RAILS is when he accuses folks connected with this site as being racist and writes out the racial slurs so that they would be here on this site. A classic TROLL technique. Put harmful stuff in comments and then spread the word that a site is spreading hate. Well, all James is spreading is inanity and stupidity and he is doing a bang up job on that!!! Soros would be proud — Ed.]

    Let’s have some perspective.
    It’s a sand sculpture at a convention, they didn’t add him to Rusmore.
    As for what would make President Obama worthy:
    The Stabilization of the banking industry.
    Saving the American Auto industry from extinction & directly saving at least 3 states in the process.
    Getting Osama Bin Laden.
    Spending less money than any President since Eisenhower.
    Not only stopping the employment bloodletting of the Bush years, but having 27 months of private sector job growth, adding more jobs to the economy than Bush did in 2 terms.
    The Lily Ledbetter Act.  This is only decades overdue. 
    Respect for America restored in other nations.
    Getting healthcare passed.
    Ending DADT, going after DOMA and working to expand equal rights for all Americans, as well as saying we won’t give money to nations who pass things like “Kill the Gays” laws.
    When right wingers can’t understand what he’s done for this country, I am flabbergasted.
    How can you NOT see it?  The nation is far better off now than it was when Bush & the Republicans trashed it only a few years before he arrived.

    BTW:  {Comment section deleted for rank stupidity and false accusations} 

  3. We do not accept racist comments. And when we see them in the hundreds of thousands who use our site….we guarantee…we block them. You couldn’t be more right. It’s ugly, inappropriate, and un-American. While we disagree with you on some of the President’s achievements, we do appreciate that the Obamas were willing to serve. But you would have a tough time winning an argument in a restaurant, a carpool lane, a bowling alley, or a country club, if you suggested that the President’s policies have made ANY of us…better off. He’s in over his head.