The Tide Turns For…Mitt Romney
March 10, 2012

Americans Are Ready...For Romney

Rasmussen Reports is the ONLY poll The Kitchen Cabinet truly relies upon.  Today, Rasmussen polling is like a late valentine for the former Governor.  In a battle against Barack Obama today, even with all of the Republican bashing and in-fighting:   ROMNEY 48%  OBAMA 42%.

But the “shock and awe” is in conservative Mississippi.

Take a look:

“The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows that 25% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-four percent (44%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -19 (see trends).

Looking at Tuesday’s upcoming primaries, the GOP race in Alabama is essentially a three-way tie, while Mitt Romney leads by eight in Mississippi.   Nationally, Romney now leads Rick Santorum by 12 points.  Regardless of who they want to win, 80% of Republican Primary Voters nationwide believe Romney will be the party’s nominee.

With the perception growing that he will be the GOP nominee, Romney leads President Obama by five points in a hypothetical 2012 matchup. Today’s numbers show Romney at 48%, Obama at 43%.”



13 Responses to “The Tide Turns For…Mitt Romney
March 10, 2012

  1. I’m very sorry to hear this.  Mitt Romney in my opinion is the worst choice for the GOP.  He’s a true Rino liberal.  His Romneycare did raise taxes…it supported abortions.  He supports gun control…I’ve seen the video when he was Governor.   He did support the Carter/Mondale ticket against President Ronald Reagan.  Now he he say’s he a Conservative???  Does a leopard change it’s spots???


  2. I don’t believe that Romney is the best candidate for the job because of his Liberal leanings.  But I do feel that we need to gently nudge the country back towards the right path.  If we do a radical turn, we could tear our country to pieces.  We need someone who can unite us to a common goal of saving America.

  3. I am glad to see Mitt taking the lead. I pray he keeps it. This country was founded by God fearing men who used GOD in many of their speeches & life styles, Nothing wrong with having our CREATOR at our side is there? This country was & still is ONE NATION UNDER GOD… Go Mitt!!

  4. Was just talking about this today with my friend.  Although I like both candidates (Mitt & Rick) I want the one that will be the strongest against Obama and that looks like Mitt.  We cannot take or afford 4 more years of Obama.  I am a registered democrat who did not vote for him last time, I did my homework and was not convinced he was the one for the job and I am working hard to educate my friends not to vote for him this November.  Hope and Change did not work for us. And anymore of this hopeLESS change by man and his administration and we will not know the country that I grew up in.   And Susan Marie has said it perfectly we are ONE NATION UNDER GOD and there is nothing wrong with have our CREATOR at ones side.

  5.  I agree Susan!  It will be such a pleasure having President & Mrs. Romney in the White House!   They are truly decent and honorable people and they are exactly what Washington DC and our country needs.  And btw, I’m not a Mormon, but a Baptist in the South and many of my Baptist friends are backing Mitt Romney.  So this is not a religious fight as some would have it, but the fight is for America and who could best lead in our struggle for what’s right!

  6. Mitt was my governor… I supported him then and do now. 

  7. Long as Romney don’t turn out to be a RINO. You know he has a healthcare plan too, much like Obama’s.

  8. He mumbles too much….Newt is the guy….can’t this nation see this….I know many ppl who don’t want to vote for Mitt…I tell them hold their feelings back and vote just to get OBAMA OUT!!!!  Newt is our guy…..

  9. I really like Newt also, but the majority of American women don’t like him.

  10. if it’s Romney, Santorum or Gingrich, i’m ok w/it and like their chances against Obama. I prefer Romney or Gingrich though.

  11. Vote for Santorum… He will bring back God that was taken away in our schools, court houses, military, crosses at some cemetery, Christmas and family values… he will trun most if not everything that our country has lose in the last 4 years…. he will bring the factories that left back and bring jobs back….he will work for the American people and Yes, he can stand up to Obama.
    Just know a vote for Romney is a vote for another Obama…..Our country and the good people of our nation can not take another Obama again…. Pray for God to Bless America…Siand up and be counted… Don’t let the media tell you who you should vote for….don’t let them pick the Republican nominee for us, like they did John McCain. And we all know what happend there, and the same thing could happen again. Romney is their man, their puppet, not ours. Just like Obama, only one difference this time he may be a Republican in name only.
    Americans are not looking for someone they can believe in…. They’re looking for a President who believe in them and will work for them.
    Paul is only staying in the race to take away votes from Santorum and Gingrich. The Democrates would like Mitt to win  because they they can Flip flop him into seeing they’re way.    

  12. I guess there are still some who have not did a Study on the Mormon Cult and that’s just what it is. So don’t put it in the same area as a Christian believing in Jesus Christ God’s Son. He has approved a lot of things with the left Wing Democrates. We need a Godly Man in there not one that think’s he is or can work his way there. We were once a Christian Country but Obama has taken that down as well as america. However saying that who ever the GOP picks to run we have to vote for even if we dont  like it. Seperated Obama will get relected. The next thing after that is Scoialism and Muslim take  over. 

  13. Thanks donald. Folks seem to find this “cult” idea hard to believe any longer. Mitt and Ann Romney simply don’t look like cult figures! The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a full partner with the Red Cross, The Salvation Army and Catholic Charities in every disaster in America, and in the world. The State of Utah leads ALL 50 states in philanthropic giving. It has one of the SMALLEST Statewide populations! What is “different” about the Mormons is that there Temples are closed to the public, in a way like some sacred places in the Catholic Church, Hindu Temples, and even some Jewish temples. But the people…are widely admired and known to be great members of the community Don.