The Debbie Wasserman Fan Club
January 8, 2012

Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman of Florida

The Democrats couldn’t give the GOP a bigger lift than to expand, endorse and put centerstage their national party chair, Debbie Wasserman.  She embodies everything in policy and political philosophy that Republican women reject!

Today she explains why Republican frontrunner Mitt Romney doesn’t hold a candle to Barack Obama in JOB CREATION!

Romney has touted his record of job creation as head of Bain Capital, a firm that he led for 15 years and experience he uses as an example of his business acumen.

Romney says Bain helped create a net 100,000 jobs, and ticked off several well-known companies — Staples and Sports Authority, among them. But Democrats argue that Romney is not counting jobs lost in other companies that Bain took over.

Obama Created At Least One Job: One For Her!

At the same time, Democrats defend President Obama’s record of job creation, saying that the U.S. economy has added more than 3.1 million private sector jobs in the last 22 months. They do not note that 6 million fewer people are participating in the labor force since Obama became president.

Among 1,000 people who’ve lost jobs recently are former employees of now-defunct solar power firm Solyndra, a centerpiece of Obama’s green jobs program. The U.S. government invested $500 million in the firm before it declared bankruptcy last summer.

Speaking on “Fox News Sunday,” Wasserman Schultz said the president wasn’t CEO of Solyndra and therefore has no responsibility for the job losses. Asked if the president’s role as “CEO of the country” amounts to the same role Romney took as head of Bain Capital, Wasserman Schultz said not at all.

“The president has responsibility for the green jobs programs where he made investments,” she said. “But the decisions that were made at Solyndra that ultimately led to their bankruptcy were those of the people who worked at Solyndra.”



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January 8, 2012