One Blogger Calls For Bachmann To Quit
October 28, 2011

Bachmann Will Know...WHEN

Is it a blow that one Tea Party leader has called for Tea Party heroine Michele Bachmann to give up her campaign for President?  Tea Party activist Ned Ryun, possibly a Rick Perry supporter “mentioned” on his blog that Congresswoman Bachmann should leave the race.   There are a couple of candidates that will soon be facing that decision, but should Bachmann be first?

“It’s time for Michele Bachmann to go,” Ned Ryun, president and founder of a Tea Party group he named “American Majority,” wrote on the group’s blog. Ryun said that Bachmann, the founder of the House tea party caucus, should pull the plug on her campaign out of respect for the activists she purports to represent.

“Every day the campaign flounders, it risks hurting the credibility of the movement,” Ryun wrote.

“It is clear that the campaign has become less about reform and more about her personal effort to stay relevant and sell books,” he added.”

The Kitchen Cabinet is standing up for Ms. Bachmann, whom we know to be a brilliant thinker, and not someone who only has book sales in mind.   Michele Bachmann opened the door for the Tea Party on the national stage after Sarah Palin’s debut in the 2008 election.  Not taken seriously by Washington leaders, she formed her own Tea Party Caucus to push forward the agenda of Tea Party conservatives.  ONLY because of her ability to grow support has The Tea Party mission been given real discussion on the Hill.

Has her campaign for President of the United States been rocky?  Yes.  But Bachmann deserves credit for breaking down doors for women and for Conservatives.  The Republican field needs to thin, and Bachmann’s endorsement will be valuable to one lucky candidate.  She will know when it is better for the country for her campaign to end, and unlike some candidates, she won’t hesitate to step aside.



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