Obama Plays The “Class” Card
September 22, 2011

Obama Stumping For His Tax Hike Proposal

Here’s the President on the stump for his tax hike on the “upper class.”


It’s not that the “rich” shouldn’t pay their fair share…it’s that NO ONE should pay one penny more to a government that wastes it!

Bill O’Reilly and others are reporting that the President is losing popularity in the Black community, the Latino community, among women voters, and in critical Battleground states.  Florida for instance, 53 -41% voters there say Obama should not be RE-ELECTED.

All bad news for The White House and for all Democrats facing re-election next year.

Meanwhile, Mitt Romney goes into the Florida debate tonight having received good

Romney Chasing Perry In Polls

news from Gallup pollsters today.

American likely voters polled said that they would likely vote for Mitt Romney in 2012,  62 -35 percent.  First time Romney shows such numbers.



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