Michelle Obama NOT Shopping In London…Apparently
January 31, 2012

The White House finds itself in the most AWKWARD of situations:  Having to slap the hands of its best friends, the media.

“Members of the news media moved like the speed of light to follow a London newspaper’s lead that Michelle Obama went on a $50,000 shopping spree in a London lingerie shop.  Unfortunately with Ms. Obama’s past shopping history, the story carries as much weight as it does the possibility of exploitation.  What Michelle Obama was doing in London and how expensive the jaunt, heaven only knows.

Today, Jay Carney, White House Press Secretary berates the press corps for reporting a complete “falsehood.”  WHAT ELSE CAN HE SAY?  And how could anyone know.

Enough Said. Why Would A President Pose For Such A Photo With The First Lady?

One thing’s for certain, the President won’t mind.

Here’s the report from Beltway Confidential:

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney denied a badly-sourced British report that First Lady Michelle Obama went on an expensive shopping spree in London, and he said that “it’s irresponsible” for American media to report on the story.

“Its irresponsible for an American news organization to repeat this story even allowing that it could be true,” Carney said during today’s press briefing.  “It’s utterly false,” he also said.

The Telegraph, a London newspaper, claimed that the First Lady spent $50,000 at a luxury lingerie shop, but didn’t identify a source for the claim. The store CEO “refused to be drawn on the stores’ closely kept ‘secret client list,'” The Telegraph said. “But he admitted the brand had attracted a high number of “unexpected famous names” – especially in the US, where sales have overtaken the UK.”

NEWS FLASH:  London newspapers never source ANYTHING they report, but often do get the best tips.



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