Good Christian Bitches On ABC
March 10, 2012

No Boundaries For Desperate TV Networks

What do you think we should do?  IGNORE it?  Write the DEAF network?  Boycott advertisers?  Why BOTHER.  The greatest revenge is to watch another channel, or even better, shut the whole thing OFF!  Nothing hurts the big networks more….

The Kitchen Cabinet is with NEWT GINGRICH on this one, who by the way, rose to the defense of conservative women this week.  ABC Television Network’s new replica comedy/drama “Good Christian Bitches”  or  supposedly “Good Christian Belles” or just  “GCB,” which began airing last Sunday night, is the latest example of Hollywood STICKING IT to believing, Conservative women.  Just as HBO’s “BIG LOVE” was expertly shot and written and intended to discredit the Mormons, Good Christian Bitches, starring Annie Potts and others,  is given that motion picture gloss, and filled with humor and sex.  The perfect formula for lowest-common denominator television.

No boundaries too big in "Good Christian Bitches"

Did the women need to be “branded” as marginal “Christians”, quoting scriptures, behaving as “living hypocrites” to their supposed faiths?  Did it need to be deliberately launched as GOOD CHRISTIAN BITCHES after the book which inspired it?  NO.  But without that slice of ridicule….would it even have been a SHOW?

All it is really, is “Dallas Desperate Housewives.”  Nothing more.  But ABC’s promotion department has done its usual top-drawer effort of marketing because ABC is desperate to attract viewers.

The Kitchen Cabinet thanks Newt Gingrich for standing up and speaking about it.  He nailed it this week:

“No network would run a show with such a title.  If the word “Muslim” were used in place of “Christian.”  Gingrich says anti-Christian bigotry is considered acceptable by the entertainment industry, but Islam is protected.  

He’s RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



5 Responses to “Good Christian Bitches On ABC
March 10, 2012

  1. Very good point!

  2. One can’t fix stupid. So I choose to ignore the Bollywood commies.

  3. How dare you mock the Savior?   He died for your sorry souls.
    How dare you mock the faithful followers of the Lord Jesus?
    You are terribly out of touch .  Your emotional development was stunted somewhere around pre pubescence.   You lack talent and real creativity.  Who’s underwriting this  – George Soros?    

    Cannot wait to find out who your wimpy sponsors are, they will be deluged with protests you can bet on that.
    Good bye ABC for good.


  4. Another show to continue the breakdown of morality in America….what, did you run out of writers that can produce good, positive comedy?

  5. I’m the author of the book the show was based on and I am a conservative Christian woman. And a Republican. The complaint about how this would never have been “Good Muslim, Good Buddhist, Good Hindu, Good Jewish…” is exactly the point. I used my own religion bc that’s what I know but the subject is universal and yes, you could change it to any of those and it could be applicable. This story doesn’t mock God it mocks those of us who love God and don’t always make the best choices to honor Him. It is not anti-Christian and it is not denigrating women. Too many people are commenting without either reading the book or watching the show and for those who have either read the book or watched the show, it’s very obvious they’re speaking without knowing what they’re talking about. You can dislike the title all you want but that still doesn’t make it anti-Christian or anti-women.