Catholic Church And Obama Administration Battle Over Birth Control
January 31, 2012

Catholic Leaders Feel Obama Interfering In Freedom Of Religious Expression

The Obama Administration is choosing to go head to head with the Catholic Church in this election year…promising to provide free birth control for women in America, if they will VOTE for him of course.  Here’s what the Catholic Church is saying:

“In letters read to parishioners Sunday, Catholic Church leaders across the country openly denounced the administration’s recent decision mandating faith-based hospitals, charities and schools to provide birth control and reproductive services in health insurance plans.

The Catholic Church had lobbied against the new requirement, which will go into effect January 2013.

The wording in the letters, penned by individual clergy, varied widely but the theme was distinctly anti-Washington. Bishop Alexander K. Sample of Marquette, Mich., for example, accused the administration of casting aside the First Amendment, “denying to Catholics our nation’s first and most fundamental freedom, that of religious liberty” and treating people of faith as second-class citizens. Others threatened to not comply with the new rule, which provides exemption to churches and “religious employers.”

The mandate is particularly worrisome to supporters of President Obama, who had coalesced behind him despite his liberal views on abortion and reproductive rights.

Isn't The Bigger Question...How Can We Possibly Afford It?

“This has hurt the case that some Catholics have made that voting for Obama in some ways is a vote for Catholic social teaching,” said Mathew N. Schmalz, a professor of religion and comparative studies at the College of  the Holy Cross in Worcester, Mass.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services reportedly based its decision on an Institute of Medicine study, which concluded that birth control is medically necessary to “ensure women’s health and well being.”

But FREE?  The point is that women and young women in particular, need to be encouraged and educated to make good choices and take RESPONSIBILITY for their sexuality in this new century.  Can the government really afford to provide free contraceptives for a 50 million women…every MONTH?

Hands Off Our Money Mr. President

The government is NOT your family.  And there’s no money to do it.

Except in Barack Obama’s skewed view of your paycheck and ours…



2 Responses to “Catholic Church And Obama Administration Battle Over Birth Control
January 31, 2012

  1. The quesiton is not just how are we going to afford it, nor is it about the Cathloc church. By allowing any one who wants birthcontrole to have it you are giving access to young girls that have no reason to even be thinking of birthcontrole.  there are many scientific studies that will tell you that its not always safe for someone to go one the pill and girls under a certin age should most deffently not go one it. But what does he truly care about the health and welfair of the american public, as long as he gets reelected and we, the american public, still get to pay for his families trips/vacations to anywhere he wants to go.

  2. I was raised a Catholic, went to Catholic school all my life. I am not currently a practicing Catholic but my beliefs are based on my education as a Catholic. I do not believe in abortion for myself but what others do is their beliefs and they have to face there own God someday weather they believe it or not.. But it is not the governments job to regulate what people believe except in socialist countries. We are not and have a Constitution to protect these believes. I fell it would be a sacrilege to force the Catholics to provide these services or any other church or person who does not believe it them to do it. Obama has to be stopped… If he remains in office it will be the end of life as we know it.  Also I would like to add , why are Muslims not only are exempt from buying health care under this mandate and why are they not having to provide there services, is it because it goes against their religion . Hum, something for all to think about.